My Persaraan

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bushmen upset math and science not taught in Bushmen

I found this interesting laughable article while browsing today... just wanna share with you all out there...

CENTRAL KALAHARI — Bushmen leaders expressed their dissatisfaction today with the ongoing debate in Malaysia as to whether to continue teaching the subjects of Mathematics and Science in the English language, or revert back to doing it Bahasa Melayu.

Speaking from the main hut situated in the middle of the Nalu!ai village, the committee of the Tri-village Elders is unhappy that the Malaysian government had not considered the Bushmen language, the Khoisan, as the lingua franca for Malaysian schools. The language, with its intricate series of tongue clicks and nasal noises, is the main language in the South and Central African pre-modern tribes, collectively also known as the ‘San’ people.


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