Hampir seharian kelmarin, sukar untuk akses internet, lebih-lebih lagi apabila tiba waktu pengumuman keputusan pilihanraya. Sejak jam 10.30 malam, laman-laman sesawang yang sedang kami satu family melayari menggunakan empat buah komputer tiba-tiba terhenti. Butang refresh yang ditekan berkali-kali tidak lagi memberi sebarang tindakbalas kecuali Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Frust menongging......
Apapun tv coverage di RTM1, TV3, Astro Awani dan BRTV, memang hebat malam tadi, dan kami sekeluarga lenguh tangan memberi high-five to one another.... every time the 'good news' diumumkan. Among the best news comes from two Sungai's namely, sg siput and sg petani, ha ha ha ...... cheerful nite really.
That Toyo is still around, wonder why they still keep him?
Well, almost all the northern states has made up their minds, followed by Perak dan Selangor. This will probably last for another elections, at least...... believe me!
Whatever it is, we should all pray and hope that the sovereignty of the country remains as it should be and we as level headed Malaysian continue to behave and give the fullest support to the goverment of the day............. don't forget that, okay?