My Persaraan

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Grilled terubok to pamper your taste buds

Perfect grill: Trader Awang Jamari Awang Sulong selling grilled terubok fish at the Satok Ramadan Bazaar in Kuching yesterday. This delicacy is much sought after, especially during the fasting month.

A story from KUCHING: Spicy aromas and smoke from charcoal grills fill the air at the crowded Satok Ramadan bazaar here.

Near the entrance of the bazaar, several stalls offer grilled stingray, cuttlefish, chicken and “terubok” (a local fish), all cooked over charcoal fires.

Hawker Awang Jamari Awang Sulong, who has been selling “terubok” at the bazaar for years, said the fish was seasoned with turmeric and salt before being speared with bamboo sticks to be grilled.

He sells the “terubok” at RM12-RM14 each if it does not have roe while the ones with roe are priced at RM30-RM35.

Two stalls away, another hawker sells cuttlefish and stingray panfried on banana leaves.

A popular local delicacy which can be found at the bazaar is “tapai madu”, fermented rice cakes sweetened with honey and wrapped in nipah leaves.

Priced at 25sen each, it is one of the fastest-selling items in the bazaar.

Apart from tapai, all kinds of snacks and kuih can also be found at the bazaar as well as rice dishes, “bubur lambok” (porridge) and soup.

Sharon Ling, The Star 9 Spetember 2008

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