Sunday, December 30, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Bab Haji (Baca jangan tak baca)

Perkara-perkara Fardu Di dalam Haji
Pekerjaan Haji yang mesti dikerjakan dan ia adalah penentu bagi ibadat Haji samada sah atau tidak serta tidak wajib membayar Dam apabila meninggalkannya. Fardhu juga dikira sebagai rukun dan syarat. Semua Mazhab bersependapat tentang perkara fardhu dan wajib dalam Haji. Pekerjaan Haji yang mesti dikerjakan malah batal Haji jika meninggalkannya. Fardhu juga dikira sebagai rukun Haji.
Perkara-perkara fardu di dalam Haji terdiri dari empat perkara iaitu:
1- Berihram.
2- Wuquf di Arafah.
3- Tawaf Ifadhah.
4- Bersaie di antara Safa dan Marwah.
Semua Mazhab bersependapat tentang perkara fardhu dan wajib dalam Haji.
Perkara-perkara Wajib Di Dalam Haji
Wajib: Pekerjaan Haji yang mesti dikerjakan serta wajib membayar Dam jika meninggalnya.
Perkara-perkara wajib di dalam Haji terdiri dari empat perkara iaitu:
1- Berihram dari Miqat.
2- Wuquf di Arafah.
3- Bermalam di Muzdalifah.
4- Bermalam di Mina.
5- Bercukur atau bergunting rambut dan bercukur adalah afdhal.
6- Melontar setiap Jamrah.
7- Tawaf Wida'
Semua Mazhab bersependapat tentang perkara fardhu dan wajib dalam Haji.
Perkara-perkara Sunat Di Dalam Haji
Perkara yang digalak mengerjakannya. Orang yang mengerjakannya akan diganjarkan dengan pahala dan orang yang meninggalkannya tidak akan dibalas seksa. Sunat, mandub, mustahab dan tatawwu' ialah: Beberapa perkataan yang mempunyai pengertian sama.
Perkara-perkara sunat di dalam Haji iaitu:
1- Mandi sunat Ihram.
2- Bertalbiah.
3- Melakukan Tawaf Qudum bagi bagi orang yang mengerjakan Haji Ifrad dan Haji Qiran.
4- Bermalam di Mina pada malam Arafah.
5- Berlari-lari anak dan sopan-santun ketika melakukan Tawaf Qudum.
Kisah-kisah Al-Quran > Kisah Penyembelihan
1-Setelah Nabi Ibrahim Al-Khalil a.s berpindah dari negeri kaumnya, beliau memohon kepada Allah s.w.t supaya dikurniakan seorang anak yang soleh, lalu Allah s.w.t mengembirakannya dengan mengurniakan seorang anak yang cantik iaitu Nabi Ismail a.s yang dilahirkan ketika Nabi Ibrahim a.s berumur 86 tahun. Setelah Nabi Ismail a.s meningkat dewasa, Nabi Ibrahim a.s telah bermimpi menyembelih anaknya, dimana telah ditetapkan bahawa mimpi para Nabi adalah Wahyu. Ini merupakan ujian yang besar daripada Allah s.w.t terhadap Nabi Ibrahim a.s sebagaimana firman Allah s.w.t:
(قَالَ يَابُنَيَّ إِنِّي أَرَى فِي الْمَنَامِ أَنِّي أَذْبَحُكَ فَانْظُرْ مَاذَا تَرَى)
Yang bermaksud: Wahai anak kesayanganku! Sesungguhnya aku melihat di dalam mimpi bahawa aku akan menyembelihmu, maka fikirkanlah apa pendapatmu. Lalu Nabi Ismail a.s menjawab sebagaimana firman Allah s.w.t:
(قَالَ يَاأَبَتِ افْعَلْ مَا تُؤْمَرُ سَتَجِدُنِي إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ مِنَ الصَّابِرِينَ)
Yang bermaksud: Wahai ayahku! Jalankanlah apa yang diperintahkan kepadamu, insya Allah engkau akan mendapati aku dari kalangan orang-orang yang sabar. Dikatakan kedua-duanya telah berserah diri sebagaimana firman Allah s.w.t:
(فَلَمَّا أَسْلَمَا وَتَلَّهُ لِلْجَبِينِ)
Yang bermaksud: Setelah keduanya berserah bulat-bulat (menjunjung perintah Allah itu) dan Nabi Ibrahim merebahkan anaknya dengan meletakkan iringan mukanya di atas tompok tanah. (Kami sifatkan Ibrahim dengan kesungguhan azamnya itu telah menjalankan perintah kami). Setelah kedua-duanya berserah diri untuk menjalankan perintah Allah dan berazam dengan bersungguh-sungguh, Allah s.w.t telah menyeru dan memberikan khabar yang mengembirakan melalui Malaikat. Sebagaimana firman Allah s.w.t:
أَنْ يَاإِبْرَاهِيمُ، * قَدْ صَدَّقْتَ الرُّؤْيَا إِنَّا كَذَلِكَ نَجْزِي الْمُحْسِنِينَ، * إِنَّ هَذَا لَهُوَ الْبَلَاءُ الْمُبِينُ، * وَفَدَيْنَاهُ بِذِبْحٍ عَظِيمٍ، * وَتَرَكْنَا عَلَيْهِ فِي الْآخِرِينَ، * سَلَامٌ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ، * كَذَلِكَ نَجْزِي الْمُحْسِنِينَ، * إِنَّهُ مِنْ عِبَادِنَا الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Yang bermaksud: Wahai Ibrahim! Engkau telah menyempurnakan maksud mimpi yang engkau lihat itu, demikianlah sebenarnya Kami membalas orang-orang yang berusaha mengerjakan kebaikan, sesungguhnya perintah ini adalah satu ujian yang nyata dan Kami tebus anaknya itu dengan seekor binatang sembelihan yang besar dan Kami kekalkan baginya (nama yang harum) dalam kalangan orang yang datang kemudian, salam sejahtera kepada Nabi Ibrahim, demikianlah Kami membalas orang-orang yang berusaha melakukan kebaikan, sesungguhnya Nabi Ibrahim itu dari hamba-hamba Kami yang beriman. Setelah tercapai maksud ujian terhadap Nabi Ibrahim a.s dan anaknya Ismail a.s serta mereka berdua bersegera untuk menunaikan perintah Allah s.w.t lalu Allah Taala mengantikan dengan seekor kibas putih yang mempunyai mata dan tanduk yang sempurna sebagai tebusan daripada menyembelih anaknya. Nabi Ibrahim a.s mendapati kibas tersebut terikat di sebatang pokok berhampiran bukit Thabir lalu menyembelihnya di Mina. Tempat ini telah dijadikan sebagai tempat mengerjakan ibadat Haji dan sunat berkorban bersempena dari peristiwa Nabi Ibrahim Al-Khalil a.s dan anaknya Nabi Ismail a.s serta berterusan sehingga kepada nabi kita Muhammad s.a.w.
Jenis-jenis Haji

Haji Tamattu`
Haji Tamattu' ialah berihram Umrah pada bulan-bulan Haji. Setelah selesai mengerjakan Umrah dan telahpun bertahalul, orang haji akan berniat Ihram Haji pada hari Tarwiah dan dia dikenakan menyembelih Dam.
Haji Qiran
Haji Qiran ialah berniat Umrah dan Haji secara serentak dan orang Haji tidak boleh bertahallul dari Ihram sebelum melontar Jamrah Aqabah serta bercukur atau bergunting. Dia dikenakan menyembelih Dam.
Haji Ifrad
Haji Ifrad ialah berniat Ihram Haji sahaja dari miqat kemudian hendaklah kekal di dalam Ihramnya sehingga ke hari Nahar (korban). Orang Haji yang mengerjakan Haji Ifrad tidak dikenakan Dam.
Ibadat Umrah
Umrah ialah Haji kecil, ia diambil dari perkataan al-I'timar iaitu (ziarah). Orang yang mengerjakan Umrah akan berniat Ihram Umrah dari miqat, mengerjakan Tawaf Qudum, bersaie dan seterusnya bertahallul dari Ihramnya dengan bercukur atau bergunting.
Haji dan Umrah
Umrah (ﻋﻤﺮﻩ) ialah mengunjungi Baitullah di Makkah dan melakukan ihram, tawaf, sa'i dan bertahallul mengikut tertib.
Umrah adalah fardhu seperti Haji. Ini adalah pendapat al-Imam as-Syafie r.a. yang al-Azhar. Ijmak Ulama mengatakan bahawa hanya wajib dilakukan sekali sepanjang hayat bagi orang yang mampu kecuali orang yang bernazar, maka dia wajib memenuhi nazarnya.
Dalil daripada al-Quran ialah firman Allah Taala: Dan sempurnakanlah ibadat Haji dan Umrah kerana Allah (Al-Baqarah 196).
Sabda Nabi yang diriwayatkan Ibnu Majah, Al-Baihaqi dan sanad yang sahih daripada Aisyah r.a. katanya:
Aku berkata : "Wahai Rasullah,apakah wanita wajib berjihad?". Sabda Baginda: "Ya, jihad yang tiada peperangan padanya iaitu haji dan umrah".
Niat Ihram, Tawaf dan Sa'i tidak boleh dilakukan di mana-mana tempat lain melainkan di tempat yang ditetapkan. Iaitu niat ihram di Miqat, tawaf 7 pusingan mengelilingi Kaabah di dalam Masjidil Haram dan bersa'i 7 kali bermula di bukit Safa dan berakhir di bukit Marwah. Terakhir sekali bertahallul iaitu bercukur atau mengunting rambut sekurang-kurangnya 3 helai selepas itu, segala larangan dalam Ihram menjadi halal sepertimana sebelum beliau berihram.
Beza Umrah dengan Haji ialah Umrah boleh dilaksanakan sepanjang tahun tetapi Haji hanya boleh dilakukan pada bulan haji iaitu bulan Zulhijjah sahaja, dan hari kemuncaknya ialah pada hari Tasyrik 9,10,11,12 dimana jemaah berkumpul di Padang Arafah dan Mina.
Pada zaman sekarang Kerajaan Arab Saudi menetapkan mana jemaah umrah mestilah mengikut muassasah umrah dan memohon visa umrah melalui agensi umrah. Tiada lagi permohonan Visa umrah dapat dilakukan di Kedutaan Arab Saudi secara individu.
Umrah adalah fardhu seperti Haji. Ini adalah pendapat al-Imam as-Syafie r.a. yang al-Azhar. Ijmak Ulama mengatakan bahawa hanya wajib dilakukan sekali sepanjang hayat bagi orang yang mampu kecuali orang yang bernazar, maka dia wajib memenuhi nazarnya.
Dalil daripada al-Quran ialah firman Allah Taala: Dan sempurnakanlah ibadat Haji dan Umrah kerana Allah (Al-Baqarah 196).
Sabda Nabi yang diriwayatkan Ibnu Majah, Al-Baihaqi dan sanad yang sahih daripada Aisyah r.a. katanya:
Aku berkata : "Wahai Rasullah,apakah wanita wajib berjihad?". Sabda Baginda: "Ya, jihad yang tiada peperangan padanya iaitu haji dan umrah".
Niat Ihram, Tawaf dan Sa'i tidak boleh dilakukan di mana-mana tempat lain melainkan di tempat yang ditetapkan. Iaitu niat ihram di Miqat, tawaf 7 pusingan mengelilingi Kaabah di dalam Masjidil Haram dan bersa'i 7 kali bermula di bukit Safa dan berakhir di bukit Marwah. Terakhir sekali bertahallul iaitu bercukur atau mengunting rambut sekurang-kurangnya 3 helai selepas itu, segala larangan dalam Ihram menjadi halal sepertimana sebelum beliau berihram.
Beza Umrah dengan Haji ialah Umrah boleh dilaksanakan sepanjang tahun tetapi Haji hanya boleh dilakukan pada bulan haji iaitu bulan Zulhijjah sahaja, dan hari kemuncaknya ialah pada hari Tasyrik 9,10,11,12 dimana jemaah berkumpul di Padang Arafah dan Mina.
Pada zaman sekarang Kerajaan Arab Saudi menetapkan mana jemaah umrah mestilah mengikut muassasah umrah dan memohon visa umrah melalui agensi umrah. Tiada lagi permohonan Visa umrah dapat dilakukan di Kedutaan Arab Saudi secara individu.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Roket versus Penyapu
Tajuk Yang Disukai Bulan Ini - ‘Broom award’
‘Broom award’ draws flak
KUALA LUMPUR: The Selangor Mentri Besar's awarding of brooms to under-performing local councils and state agencies to remind them to buck up has drawn flak from many quarters.
Many find his “broom bouquet” for poor performance in poor taste and crude.
The “broom award” was even brought up in Parliament on Tuesday.
The civil service umbrella union Cuepacs said it received calls from its members from other states complaining about the broom.
Cuepacs president Omar Osman said members asked if there was indeed no other way for Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo to express his dissatisfaction.
On Monday, at an excellence awards ceremony Dr Khir gave a broom each to the Hulu Selangor District Council and Hulu Selangor Land Office for failing to collect assessment for 2006 above the stipulated 50% mark.
Dr Khir also warned agencies that failed to hit the target for 2007 to expect the same “present”.
“We can understand the feelings of the civil servants attending the ceremony. The brooms were given openly, without even trying to disguise these by wrapping them,” said Omar on Tuesday.
“We cannot accept such an act. Although we support the Mentri Besar’s intention for all civil servants to improve their performance, there is a better way of doing it, such as giving the agencies a low star ranking or a reminder letter.”
As civil servants who form the backbone of the Selangor state government were loyal staff, they did not deserve such a treatment in public, Omar said.
Public Services director-general Tan Sri Ismail Adam declined to comment, except to say that “there are many ways of telling civil servants how to do their jobs.”
“You can tell them directly or issue them a directive. There are many ways to ‘skin a cat’ but you have to find one that is appropriate,” he said.
In Parliament, Datuk Raja Ahmad Zainuddin Raja Haji Omar (BN-Larut) questioned whether presenting a broom, which is linked to bad luck, was appropriate as an award.
“There must be other ways to motivate the staff. Certainly not a broom,” said Raja Ahmad.
Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun, in her reply, also said that she did not agree with giving out brooms.
“But I am sure the Selangor Mentri Besar, who is intelligent, would know its suitability,” said Azizah (BN-Beaufort).
In Penang, Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad said that when a person had done something good, he should be praised in public but if he has failed to perform, then he should be rebuked in private.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Selangor Mentri Besar's awarding of brooms to under-performing local councils and state agencies to remind them to buck up has drawn flak from many quarters.
Many find his “broom bouquet” for poor performance in poor taste and crude.
The “broom award” was even brought up in Parliament on Tuesday.
The civil service umbrella union Cuepacs said it received calls from its members from other states complaining about the broom.
Cuepacs president Omar Osman said members asked if there was indeed no other way for Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo to express his dissatisfaction.
On Monday, at an excellence awards ceremony Dr Khir gave a broom each to the Hulu Selangor District Council and Hulu Selangor Land Office for failing to collect assessment for 2006 above the stipulated 50% mark.
Dr Khir also warned agencies that failed to hit the target for 2007 to expect the same “present”.
“We can understand the feelings of the civil servants attending the ceremony. The brooms were given openly, without even trying to disguise these by wrapping them,” said Omar on Tuesday.
“We cannot accept such an act. Although we support the Mentri Besar’s intention for all civil servants to improve their performance, there is a better way of doing it, such as giving the agencies a low star ranking or a reminder letter.”
As civil servants who form the backbone of the Selangor state government were loyal staff, they did not deserve such a treatment in public, Omar said.
Public Services director-general Tan Sri Ismail Adam declined to comment, except to say that “there are many ways of telling civil servants how to do their jobs.”
“You can tell them directly or issue them a directive. There are many ways to ‘skin a cat’ but you have to find one that is appropriate,” he said.
In Parliament, Datuk Raja Ahmad Zainuddin Raja Haji Omar (BN-Larut) questioned whether presenting a broom, which is linked to bad luck, was appropriate as an award.
“There must be other ways to motivate the staff. Certainly not a broom,” said Raja Ahmad.
Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun, in her reply, also said that she did not agree with giving out brooms.
“But I am sure the Selangor Mentri Besar, who is intelligent, would know its suitability,” said Azizah (BN-Beaufort).
In Penang, Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad said that when a person had done something good, he should be praised in public but if he has failed to perform, then he should be rebuked in private.
'Broom award' for two agencies

Unenviable award: Hulu Selangor District Council chief Tukiman Nail (right) getting the ‘broom award’ from Dr Khir at the Dewan Jubli Perak in Shah Alam Monday.
The “broom award” was printed in the programme book as Special Award Performance For Revenue Collection 2006.
SHAH ALAM: Two state government agencies were publicly rebuked when they were presented with a broom each on stage by Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo for failing to collect assessment above the 50% mark required for 2006.
Hulu Selangor District Council chief Tukiman Nail received the broom worth RM3.80 at the Selangor Excellence Awards at the Dewan Jubli Perak yesterday.
The other recipient, Hulu Selangor Land Office former district officer Mislan Tugiu who is now Klang Municipal Council president, is overseas and a representative received it on his behalf. He avoided pressmen after leaving the stage.
Earlier, officers had tried to keep the two brooms away, hoping that Dr Khir would forget, but he asked for them despite the unease among the several hundred government staff who attended the event.
Many staff members shook their heads when the brooms were presented to the recipients.
“The broom is not meant to shame the officer but it is a reminder that the government wants all departments to buck up and improve to become results-oriented,” said Dr Khir.
“Many times, we have called for improvement but it has fallen on deaf ears. When agencies knew they would receive the brooms, they automatically collected their revenue, hitting 90% for 2007.
“But the broom was for 2006 and it had to be given so that officers would know that I mean business,” he stressed.
Dr Khir said that agencies which fail to hit the 2007 performance target would also get the broom.
“We can’t have those with a lackadaisical attitude,” he said.
Aku lagi tak faham khir oi, apa yang hang dok buat ni. Come on, we're living in the new millenium, ini sudah tahun 2007, bukan zaman kesultanan Melaka, di mana datuk dan panglima boleh buat apa saja...... this is not the jungle age man.... ini zaman micro cips, dan orang Malaysia pun dah sampai ke angkasa lepas lagi....
Alamak what is happening...
I hope Pak Lah is taking note of this event close to his heart and mind......
takutlah orang lain buat contoh..
Action speak louder than words.... so words khir ni tak siapa peduli tapi aksi dia hahhhhh! terlampau kan?
Nasib baik yang kena pun orang yang dia sendiri pilih duduk di kerusi tu, if not lagi kesianla.........
Kawan buat kat kawan..... ha ha
satu soalan lagi....
Awat! Pak Lah pun dok buat macamni ka?
Pemimpin tertinggi dok tunjuk jalan betul, yang bawah over tak tentu hal...
Hai gerammmmmmmmmm...nye!
Hulu Selangor diberi Anugerah Penyapu
PERLU TINGKAT KUTIPAN: Dr Mohamad Khir (kiri) menyampaikan penyapu kepada Yang Dipertua MDHS, Tukiman Nail, sebagai simbolik pada majlis anugerah sempena Bulan Kualiti 2007 di Shah Alam, semalam.
SHAH ALAM: Pejabat Tanah dan Daerah (PTD) Hulu Selangor serta Majlis Daerah Hulu Selangor (MDHS) menjadi penerima pertama 'Anugerah Penyapu' daripada kerajaan negeri kerana gagal mencapai sasaran kutipan hasil cukai semasa dan tunggakan tahun lalu.
Anugerah Khas sebatang penyapu yang diikat riben itu disampaikan Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo kepada wakil jabatan dan agensi berkenaan pada majlis anugerah sempena Bulan Kualiti 2007 Pentadbiran Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, di sini, semalam.
PTD Hulu Selangor dan MDHS hanya memungut 55 peratus cukai semasa dan 56 peratus cukai tertunggak, manakala MDHS memungut 66.9 peratus hasil cukai semasa dan 23.4 peratus cukai tertunggak tahun lalu.
Kerajaan Selangor menetapkan semua sembilan PTD serta 12 PBT memungut 90 peratus hasil cukai semasa dan 70 peratus hasil tunggakan cukai setiap tahun.
Dr Mohamad Khir berkata, anugerah itu diberi sebagai simbolik kepada PTD Hulu Selangor dan MDHS supaya berusaha membaiki prestasi untuk memenuhi sasaran yang ditetapkan kerajaan.
"Anugerah ini bukan bertujuan memalukan, menjatuhkan atau merendahkan semangat individu atau jabatan kerajaan dan PBT, tetapi memberi kesedaran supaya berusaha membaiki prestasi pada masa datang.
"Kita dapati tiada tindakan diambil oleh pegawai terbabit walaupun gagal mencapai tahap minimum yang ditetapkan," katanya.
Dr Mohamad Khir berkata, anugerah penyapu itu sebagai simbolik dan peringatan kepada pegawai atasan jabatan kerajaan dan PBT supaya membersihkan sikap tidak produktif kakitangan bawahan.
Katanya, sejak dimaklumkan pemberian Anugerah Penyapu itu awal tahun ini, PTD Hulu Selangor dan MDHS menunjukkan prestasi membanggakan sehingga September lalu.
Tujuh PTD dan PBT mencatatkan kutipan melebihi sasaran ditetapkan tahun lalu didahului PTD Sepang yang mengutip 112 peratus hasil cukai semasa dan 73 peratus cukai tertunggak diikuti PTD Hulu Langat, Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA), Majlis Perbandaran Sepang (MPSp), Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya (MPAJ) dan Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ).
Semua jabatan dan agensi terbabit dibawa mengadakan lawatan ke Melbourne, Australia, selama lima hari pada pertengahan April lalu sebagai insentif.
** If it's me, I won't go up the stage to receive that award... not of embarassment but more on upright principle. I think all of us are brought up to aknowledge that brooms brings no luck or meaning you are cursed if a broom comes into hitting contact upon you for any reasons. This award is a hit with the most hitting impact! Well, that man up there in the picture is all cursed up..... believe me and i wouldn't want to be in his shoes.**
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Nurin Jazlin Jasimin
It a very emotional weekend for most of us who has been tracking the episod of the lost nurin. A lot has been done by the family, relatives, neighbours, friends and those who cares eventhough they have no linkage at all with Nurin Jazlin Jasimin who went missing since one month ago.
There must be a hikmah here for such a dreadful thing to happen, especially to someone who is as helpless and innocence.
We pray that Allay, bless her and her parents and gives them the courage to move on in life as they have other children to take care of. Love them more now, since you have less to love now.
There must be a hikmah here for such a dreadful thing to happen, especially to someone who is as helpless and innocence.
We pray that Allay, bless her and her parents and gives them the courage to move on in life as they have other children to take care of. Love them more now, since you have less to love now.
Still on DNA -
This is an article taken from -
A number of readers suggested that a second DNA should have been taken to erase all doubts.
This was what our stand initially as well upon being bried on the DNA report by the PJ OCPD at 10.00 p.m., 20th September 2007.
However, as explained in my earlier post, it was the parents who had decided to rely on the DNA coupled with the dental records in their decision to claim the body (of which now has been confirmed as Nurin) along with the acceptance that the body had various other similar features to Nurin indeed in the wee hours of Friday, 21st September 2007.
With that decision, the earlier arrangement made with IPD Petaling Jaya for a second DNA test coupled with veryfing the body against Nurin's medical records, thumb print etc on that Friday morning was called of.
When the parents informed the Police that we are now would be claiming the bosy instead, the body was then prepared accordingly to Islamic rites (mandi mayat).
When we arrived at the mortuary to collect the body, it all clear to everyone, including Jazimin that the body was no other than Nurin.
This might sound like coming from a religious movie script, but that is the fact, the face was now recognisable eventhough just a day before it was not.
There is a "hikmah" in this, the act of the parents agreeing to the DNA results (which was made available to them last), had sort of avoided the body to continue to be in limbo for a few more days.
Therefore, the family is genuinely certain that the body claimed was none other than Nurin, and there is no necessity for a second DNA test.
It is rather unfortunate that there are some parties who are trying to cast doubts to the mother's mind by continuosly asking whether she was certain of the body was Nurin and not someone else.
They had actually "integorated" her at the burial grounds itself, at a time when one was in their lowest point.
They have actually succeeded in getting some "confessions" from the mother that fits their agenda to paint the Police force as an (one) "unreliable" and "despicable" force that works around conspiracy theory.
So readers, if you are to come across any notion of such in any press (or article) reports within the next few days, please take my word, you can actually chuck the whole newspaper into the dustbin as the journalism practice in getting that news scoop was totally deplorable.
No one should be casting any doubt that Nurin has been safely buried at 2.45 pm 21st September 2007 at the Ibu Kota Muslim Burial Grounds, Kuala Lumpur.
A number of readers suggested that a second DNA should have been taken to erase all doubts.
This was what our stand initially as well upon being bried on the DNA report by the PJ OCPD at 10.00 p.m., 20th September 2007.
However, as explained in my earlier post, it was the parents who had decided to rely on the DNA coupled with the dental records in their decision to claim the body (of which now has been confirmed as Nurin) along with the acceptance that the body had various other similar features to Nurin indeed in the wee hours of Friday, 21st September 2007.
With that decision, the earlier arrangement made with IPD Petaling Jaya for a second DNA test coupled with veryfing the body against Nurin's medical records, thumb print etc on that Friday morning was called of.
When the parents informed the Police that we are now would be claiming the bosy instead, the body was then prepared accordingly to Islamic rites (mandi mayat).
When we arrived at the mortuary to collect the body, it all clear to everyone, including Jazimin that the body was no other than Nurin.
This might sound like coming from a religious movie script, but that is the fact, the face was now recognisable eventhough just a day before it was not.
There is a "hikmah" in this, the act of the parents agreeing to the DNA results (which was made available to them last), had sort of avoided the body to continue to be in limbo for a few more days.
Therefore, the family is genuinely certain that the body claimed was none other than Nurin, and there is no necessity for a second DNA test.
It is rather unfortunate that there are some parties who are trying to cast doubts to the mother's mind by continuosly asking whether she was certain of the body was Nurin and not someone else.
They had actually "integorated" her at the burial grounds itself, at a time when one was in their lowest point.
They have actually succeeded in getting some "confessions" from the mother that fits their agenda to paint the Police force as an (one) "unreliable" and "despicable" force that works around conspiracy theory.
So readers, if you are to come across any notion of such in any press (or article) reports within the next few days, please take my word, you can actually chuck the whole newspaper into the dustbin as the journalism practice in getting that news scoop was totally deplorable.
No one should be casting any doubt that Nurin has been safely buried at 2.45 pm 21st September 2007 at the Ibu Kota Muslim Burial Grounds, Kuala Lumpur.
Nurin laid to rest

Norazian Bistaman sprinkling holy water on her daughter Nurin's grave.
She was buried at around 2.25pm after which the talqin (burial rituals) was recited at 2.32pm.
KUALA LUMPUR: The body of the missing girl Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 8, was finally laid to rest at the Ibu Kota Muslim Cemetery in Taman Danau Kota on Friday.
It was an emotional scene as scores of solemn faces of all races paid their last respects to Nurin and offered condolences to the family.
Tears and sweat trickled down Jazimin's face as he eventually broke down and hugged his wife Norazian Bistaman, who was crying and did not utter a word throughout the funeral.
Earlier in the day, Jazimin, Nurin's father, was calm and composed when he claimed Nurin's body at the Hospital Kuala Lumpur mortuary at around 11.15am.
Jazimin, who was clad in a baju melayu and black trousers, was accompanied by family members and relatives.
He evaded reporters and sped off in a hearse that was carrying Nurin's body.
They arrived at the the Madrasah As Sa'adah in Section One, Wangsa Maju where Nurin's body was brought for the prayer for the deceased at around noon.
Jazimin told reporters that he willingly accepted the DNA results, which proved that his wife's DNA and his matched that of the body found stuffed in a sports bag on Monday.
The prayer for the deceased was conducted after the Friday prayers before Nurin's body was brought to the burial ground.
At least 400 people including family, relatives, friends and well-wishers regardless of race and age expressed their condolences at the madrasah.
Roads leading to the madrasah were congested with a few police personnel manning the traffic and there was a long queue of cars looking for parking.
On Thursday, Selangor police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar confirmed that the results of the DNA test done on the blood sample taken from the dead girl matched that of Jazimin, 33, and his wife Norazian, 35.
Both parents were at first adamant that the body found stuffed in a sports bag was not their daughter, saying the body did not look like Nurin.
The parents said that Nurin had a scar on her thigh and that her teeth did not have gaps like that found on the body.
- The Star
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Know This Man
something worth sharing with.........
Napolean Bonaparte as Quoted in Christian Cherfils, 'Bonaparte et Islam,' Pedone Ed., Paris, France, 1914, pp. 105, 125.Original References: "Correspondance de Napoléon Ier Tome V pièce n° 4287 du 17/07/1799..."
"Moses has revealed the existence of God to his nation. Jesus Christ to the Roman world, Muhammad to the old continent... "Arabia was idolatrous when, six centuries after Jesus, Muhammad introduced the worship of the God of Abraham, of Ishmael, of Moses, and Jesus. The Ariyans and some other sects had disturbed the tranquility of the east by agitating the question of the nature of the Father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. Muhammad declared that there was none but one God who had no father, no son and that the trinity imported the idea of idolatry...
"I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Qur'an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness.
" Sir George Bernard Shaw in 'The Genuine Islam,' Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936.
"If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam." "I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity."
"I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.
"Sir John Bagot Glubb "Khalif (Caliph) Al-Ma'mun's period of rule (813 - 833 C.E.) may be considered the 'golden age' of science and learning. He had always been devoted to books and to learned pursuits. His brilliant mind was interested in every form of intellectual activity. Not only poetry but also philosophy, theology, astronomy, medicine and law all occupied his time."
"By Mamun's time medical schools were extremely active in Baghdad. The first free public hospital was opened in Baghdad during the Caliphate of Haroon-ar-Rashid. As the system developed, physicians and surgeons were appointed who gave lectures to medical students and issued diplomas to those who were considered qualified to practice. The first hospital in Egypt was opened in 872 AD and thereafter public hospitals sprang up all over the empire from Spain and the Maghrib to Persia." On the Holocaust of Baghdad (1258 C.E.) Perpetrated by Hulagu: "The city was systematically looted, destroyed and burnt. Eight hundred thousand persons are said to have been killed. The Khalif Mustasim was sewn up in a sack and trampled to death under the feet of Mongol horses.
"For five hundred years, Baghdad had been a city of palaces, mosques, libraries and colleges. Its universities and hospitals were the most up-to-date in the world. Nothing now remained but heaps of rubble and a stench of decaying human flesh."
H.G. Wells
"The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other societies preceding it....Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity."
An interesting article taken from :
Napolean Bonaparte as Quoted in Christian Cherfils, 'Bonaparte et Islam,' Pedone Ed., Paris, France, 1914, pp. 105, 125.Original References: "Correspondance de Napoléon Ier Tome V pièce n° 4287 du 17/07/1799..."
"Moses has revealed the existence of God to his nation. Jesus Christ to the Roman world, Muhammad to the old continent... "Arabia was idolatrous when, six centuries after Jesus, Muhammad introduced the worship of the God of Abraham, of Ishmael, of Moses, and Jesus. The Ariyans and some other sects had disturbed the tranquility of the east by agitating the question of the nature of the Father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. Muhammad declared that there was none but one God who had no father, no son and that the trinity imported the idea of idolatry...
"I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Qur'an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness.
" Sir George Bernard Shaw in 'The Genuine Islam,' Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936.
"If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam." "I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity."
"I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.
"Sir John Bagot Glubb "Khalif (Caliph) Al-Ma'mun's period of rule (813 - 833 C.E.) may be considered the 'golden age' of science and learning. He had always been devoted to books and to learned pursuits. His brilliant mind was interested in every form of intellectual activity. Not only poetry but also philosophy, theology, astronomy, medicine and law all occupied his time."
"By Mamun's time medical schools were extremely active in Baghdad. The first free public hospital was opened in Baghdad during the Caliphate of Haroon-ar-Rashid. As the system developed, physicians and surgeons were appointed who gave lectures to medical students and issued diplomas to those who were considered qualified to practice. The first hospital in Egypt was opened in 872 AD and thereafter public hospitals sprang up all over the empire from Spain and the Maghrib to Persia." On the Holocaust of Baghdad (1258 C.E.) Perpetrated by Hulagu: "The city was systematically looted, destroyed and burnt. Eight hundred thousand persons are said to have been killed. The Khalif Mustasim was sewn up in a sack and trampled to death under the feet of Mongol horses.
"For five hundred years, Baghdad had been a city of palaces, mosques, libraries and colleges. Its universities and hospitals were the most up-to-date in the world. Nothing now remained but heaps of rubble and a stench of decaying human flesh."
H.G. Wells
"The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other societies preceding it....Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity."
An interesting article taken from :
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Pond squat issue: Settled, all is forgiven
The dust has settled over the infamous "pond squat" issue and SMK Bawang Assan school warden Wee Yim Pien has been forgiven.
She has also apologised to the families for forcing some 170 girl boarders into a fishpond last week.
Wee, 27, who is also the schools' English teacher, with a Master's degree, had meted out the punishment over repeated dumping of sanitary pads in the school's toilet bowls.
The school’s parent-teacher association chairman Jimmy Kiu said: "Everybody has forgiven her."
He added that the parents and the students wanted the teacher to stay.
"We do not want the students to suffer as the PMR examination is coming.
“The incident is settled in good faith.It is hoped that there is no more a repetition,” Kiu said in a telephone interview on Thursday.
This followed a meeting attended by Kiu, Wee, school principal Kandon Ngadi, Sibu divisional education officer Charles Tiong. parents and Deputy Education Minister Datuk Noh Omar’s special representative Shashim Shah on Wednesday.
An emotional Wee was seen hugging some of the parents and shook hands with others as the episode came to an end.
Kiu said it would be up to the state Education Department to decide whether action should be taken against Wee. (Masih tak puas hati kot)
Shashim said the department’s report on the investigation into the incident had been sumbitted to the Education Ministry, which would decide if any action would be taken against Wee.
Asked if Wee would continue as the warden, Kiu declined to comment, saying that this was the school’s administrative matter. The school has more than 500 students, including some 300 borders.
An earlier report by the same newspaper
1. Teacher in ‘pond squat’ case not suspended
KUCHING: The SMK Bawang Assan warden who forced 200 schoolgirls to squat in a pond as a form of punishment is not under suspension.
State education director Rabiah Johari clarified that Wee Yim Pien, also the school’s English teacher, had not gone on leave as reported.
“She is back teaching at the school,” she told reporters after receiving anti-bullying posters for schools. “A police report has not been lodged.”
Rabiah said the department would decide on the next course of action when the probe was completed. She said the department did not condone what Wee had done but pointed out that teachers needed to take disciplinary action against errant students.
“We don’t want teachers to not discipline students as this will lead to social problems. In a case like this, we do not look only at the teacher’s actions but also whether she was feeling pressured or stressed.
“After all, according to reports she had been trying for three years to get the students to dispose sanitary pads properly and not clog the toilets,” she said.
The Sarawak Teachers Union (STU) has come out in support of its members accused of meting out harsh punishment on students.
Its president William Gani Bina noted that teachers and school heads were helpless as they could not reply to the accusations thrown at them in public.
“No teacher or school head who is in the right frame of mind would mete out excessive punishments,” he said adding that student indiscipline was on the rise.
He said there were an increasing number of students who have total disregard for school authority, and disobeying orders and directives.
Meanwhile the school’s parent-teacher association chairman Jimmy Kiu said Wee had apologised to the parents in a meeting yesterday.
Following the apology, he said the parents withdrew their demand (wow, depa bayaq gaji kot)for Wee to be transferred out.
2. Ministry to probe squatting incident
The Education Ministry will carry out a thorough investigation into a claim that 200 girl boarders in Sarawak were forced into a fish pond as punishment because one of them left a sanitary towel in a toilet bowl.
Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said an investigation was under way to establish what actually happened.
It was reported that the girls from a secondary school in Sibu were forced to squat in the murky fish pond for an hour.
The Form One to Form Five students were allegedly forced into the pond inside the school compound from 4pm on Wednesday by a woman warden.
The warden watched over them with an umbrella as it was raining.
“We do not want to point fingers at anyone now but we will take action against those who are wrong,” Hishammuddin told reporters after attending the convocation of 500 teachers at the Teachers Training Institute here yesterday.
In Kuching, Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department Fatimah Abdullah said the case should be brought to the school’s disciplinary board and a report handed over to the state education department.
Fatimah said any punishment meted out must be in accordance with the school’s rules and regulations.
“But I’m sure the punishment for those caught throwing a sanitary pad into the toilet bowl is not asking them to squat in a pond.”
The school's parent-teacher association chairman Jimmy Kiu who runs the school canteen, witnessed the incident and contacted a local daily to expose the incident.
Describing the punishment as “harsh”, Kiu said he would speak to the parents before deciding on the next course of action. (Ini bahasa orang nak bakar lemang sampai rentung)
She has also apologised to the families for forcing some 170 girl boarders into a fishpond last week.
Wee, 27, who is also the schools' English teacher, with a Master's degree, had meted out the punishment over repeated dumping of sanitary pads in the school's toilet bowls.
The school’s parent-teacher association chairman Jimmy Kiu said: "Everybody has forgiven her."
He added that the parents and the students wanted the teacher to stay.
"We do not want the students to suffer as the PMR examination is coming.
“The incident is settled in good faith.It is hoped that there is no more a repetition,” Kiu said in a telephone interview on Thursday.
This followed a meeting attended by Kiu, Wee, school principal Kandon Ngadi, Sibu divisional education officer Charles Tiong. parents and Deputy Education Minister Datuk Noh Omar’s special representative Shashim Shah on Wednesday.
An emotional Wee was seen hugging some of the parents and shook hands with others as the episode came to an end.
Kiu said it would be up to the state Education Department to decide whether action should be taken against Wee. (Masih tak puas hati kot)
Shashim said the department’s report on the investigation into the incident had been sumbitted to the Education Ministry, which would decide if any action would be taken against Wee.
Asked if Wee would continue as the warden, Kiu declined to comment, saying that this was the school’s administrative matter. The school has more than 500 students, including some 300 borders.
An earlier report by the same newspaper
1. Teacher in ‘pond squat’ case not suspended
KUCHING: The SMK Bawang Assan warden who forced 200 schoolgirls to squat in a pond as a form of punishment is not under suspension.
State education director Rabiah Johari clarified that Wee Yim Pien, also the school’s English teacher, had not gone on leave as reported.
“She is back teaching at the school,” she told reporters after receiving anti-bullying posters for schools. “A police report has not been lodged.”
Rabiah said the department would decide on the next course of action when the probe was completed. She said the department did not condone what Wee had done but pointed out that teachers needed to take disciplinary action against errant students.
“We don’t want teachers to not discipline students as this will lead to social problems. In a case like this, we do not look only at the teacher’s actions but also whether she was feeling pressured or stressed.
“After all, according to reports she had been trying for three years to get the students to dispose sanitary pads properly and not clog the toilets,” she said.
The Sarawak Teachers Union (STU) has come out in support of its members accused of meting out harsh punishment on students.
Its president William Gani Bina noted that teachers and school heads were helpless as they could not reply to the accusations thrown at them in public.
“No teacher or school head who is in the right frame of mind would mete out excessive punishments,” he said adding that student indiscipline was on the rise.
He said there were an increasing number of students who have total disregard for school authority, and disobeying orders and directives.
Meanwhile the school’s parent-teacher association chairman Jimmy Kiu said Wee had apologised to the parents in a meeting yesterday.
Following the apology, he said the parents withdrew their demand (wow, depa bayaq gaji kot)for Wee to be transferred out.
2. Ministry to probe squatting incident
The Education Ministry will carry out a thorough investigation into a claim that 200 girl boarders in Sarawak were forced into a fish pond as punishment because one of them left a sanitary towel in a toilet bowl.
Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said an investigation was under way to establish what actually happened.
It was reported that the girls from a secondary school in Sibu were forced to squat in the murky fish pond for an hour.
The Form One to Form Five students were allegedly forced into the pond inside the school compound from 4pm on Wednesday by a woman warden.
The warden watched over them with an umbrella as it was raining.
“We do not want to point fingers at anyone now but we will take action against those who are wrong,” Hishammuddin told reporters after attending the convocation of 500 teachers at the Teachers Training Institute here yesterday.
In Kuching, Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department Fatimah Abdullah said the case should be brought to the school’s disciplinary board and a report handed over to the state education department.
Fatimah said any punishment meted out must be in accordance with the school’s rules and regulations.
“But I’m sure the punishment for those caught throwing a sanitary pad into the toilet bowl is not asking them to squat in a pond.”
The school's parent-teacher association chairman Jimmy Kiu who runs the school canteen, witnessed the incident and contacted a local daily to expose the incident.
Describing the punishment as “harsh”, Kiu said he would speak to the parents before deciding on the next course of action. (Ini bahasa orang nak bakar lemang sampai rentung)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tips By Datuk Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
These are extra tips for all as given by Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah in a seminar
Tatacara makan & minum
Sebelum tidur, maafkan semua orang tak kira siapa Insya-Allah, Allah lipat gandakan rezeki.
Sebelum tidur, berdoa, depends on apa yg kita hendaksepanjang tidur, otak akan generatekan all of our wish & Insya-Allah,kita akan work towards it (ada semangat) dikeesokan harinya.
Makan buah sebelum breakfast, lunch & dinnerikut Sunnah & dapat pahala & also boleh rujuk kpd pakar pemakanan, vitamin C dari buah2an yg dimakan selepas breakfast, lunch & dinner yang akandiperolehi adalah approaching 0%.
Jangan minum air semasa sedang makan (breakfast,lunch & dinner).Minum air selepas 15-30 minit selesai makan.
Untuk minum, bagi tegukygpertama sahaja, biarkan air dlm mulut about 10s then baru telan.Teguk kedua & seterusnya boleh minum terussebab air liur ada enzyme yg boleh membunuh kuman dlm pankreas, perut,& so on yg akan dibawa oleh air tegukan pertama.Seelok2nya makan malam sebelum maghribikut sunnah (Rasullullah makan sblm maghrib kecuali bulan Ramadhan sajaie masa maghrib), sebab, bagi yang tegah study (or anak2), otak akan berfungsi excellently(senang absorb ilmu) around 2 hrs selepas makan so, if makan at 8:30pm,around 10:30pm baru start study and most probably hanya boleh bertahan hingga jam 12 tegah malam saja, jadi, tak banyak yang boleh dipelajari berbanding kalau makan pukul 6:30 (org Cina take dinner around this hour). Juga, kita tak tidur dalam kekenyangan (yg mana boleh menghindar dari membuat sembahyang malam)
Tatacara di bilik air===============Selepas buang air kecil, berdehem 3x (teran sikit)boleh elak daripada dapat batu karangSemasa buang air besar, mengiring sedikit ke kiriikut sunnah sbb bila mengiring ke kiri, perut akan tekan bladder and senang buang air besar
Tatacara didik anak================Antara tips untuk dapat anak bijak/genius, ajar anak(baby) tidur mengiring ke kanan ~ sebab jantung (yg terletak sblh kiri)akanlebih "lapang"/"lega" dan mudah berdegup (perjalanan darah okay) and otakanak akan develop excellently.* Bagi anak2 yang dah azalinya active or hyper-active, kurang (or jangan)pakaikan baju warna orangesebab warna ini boleh merangsang secara actifnya tindak tanduk anakTatacara didik diri sendiri====================Rasullullah (saw) bersabda, sesuatu amalan yg diamalkan sekitar 21-30 hari, continuously, akan menjadi tabiat and kalau tak, ilmu itu akan mati.Buang segala rasa hasad dengki, dendam & lain2 yg negatifemosi2 ini akan membenarkan otak release excessive adrenaline,cortisone & toxine yg mana boleh membawa kepada beberapa penyakit cepat letih, wajah cepat nampak tua (tua sebelum waktunya), selalu sakit perut & etc
Ada 3 kategori manusia :-
1. BERJAYA: Hari ini lebih baik daripada semalam
Tatacara di bilik air===============Selepas buang air kecil, berdehem 3x (teran sikit)boleh elak daripada dapat batu karangSemasa buang air besar, mengiring sedikit ke kiriikut sunnah sbb bila mengiring ke kiri, perut akan tekan bladder and senang buang air besar
Tatacara didik anak================Antara tips untuk dapat anak bijak/genius, ajar anak(baby) tidur mengiring ke kanan ~ sebab jantung (yg terletak sblh kiri)akanlebih "lapang"/"lega" dan mudah berdegup (perjalanan darah okay) and otakanak akan develop excellently.* Bagi anak2 yang dah azalinya active or hyper-active, kurang (or jangan)pakaikan baju warna orangesebab warna ini boleh merangsang secara actifnya tindak tanduk anakTatacara didik diri sendiri====================Rasullullah (saw) bersabda, sesuatu amalan yg diamalkan sekitar 21-30 hari, continuously, akan menjadi tabiat and kalau tak, ilmu itu akan mati.Buang segala rasa hasad dengki, dendam & lain2 yg negatifemosi2 ini akan membenarkan otak release excessive adrenaline,cortisone & toxine yg mana boleh membawa kepada beberapa penyakit cepat letih, wajah cepat nampak tua (tua sebelum waktunya), selalu sakit perut & etc
Ada 3 kategori manusia :-
1. BERJAYA: Hari ini lebih baik daripada semalam
2. TERPEDAYA : Hari ini sama seperti semalam
3. CELAKA : Hari ini lebih teruk daripada semalam
"Apabila kita kejar dunia, dunia akan lari; tetapi apabila kita kejarakhirat, dunia akan mengejar kita" Just to ambil iktibar untuk mendidikdiri & family. Usia dunia sudah terlalu hampir ke penghujungnya, terlalu!So, it's good if we can remind each other because in Rasulullah's lastsermon, baginda pun did mention that all those who listen to him (on thatday) shall pass on his words to others, and those to others again; and may the last ones understand his words better that those who listen to himdirectly...
Yang baik datang dari Allah & yang kurang itu is from my weaknesses.
Do impart this knowledge & you'll lose nothing.
"Apabila kita kejar dunia, dunia akan lari; tetapi apabila kita kejarakhirat, dunia akan mengejar kita" Just to ambil iktibar untuk mendidikdiri & family. Usia dunia sudah terlalu hampir ke penghujungnya, terlalu!So, it's good if we can remind each other because in Rasulullah's lastsermon, baginda pun did mention that all those who listen to him (on thatday) shall pass on his words to others, and those to others again; and may the last ones understand his words better that those who listen to himdirectly...
Yang baik datang dari Allah & yang kurang itu is from my weaknesses.
Do impart this knowledge & you'll lose nothing.
Monday, July 09, 2007

Sempena Bulan Kemerdekaan.........detik-detik bersejarah.....
Pilihan raya umum yang pertama ditandingkan pada tahun 1955. Parti-parti seperti PAS, Parti Negara di bawah pimpinan Dato' Onn bin Jaafar, Parti Buruh, Parti Progresif Perak, Parti Perikatan UMNO-MCA-MIC dan sebagainya bertanding dalam pilihan raya umum tersebut.Parti Perikatan UMNO-MCA-MIC memenangi 51 kerusi daripada 52 kerusi yang dipertandingkan. 1 kerusi lagi dimenangi oleh PAS. Dengan kemenangan dalam pilihan raya, kabinet kerajaan telah dibentuk. Tunku Abdul Rahman menjadi Ketua Menteri yang pertama. Pada tahun 1956, Tunku Abdul Rahman mengetuai suatu rombongan ke London untuk membincangkan perkara-perkara mengenai kemerdekaan. Rundingan ini mengambil masa tiga minggu di London. Perjanjian London 1956 ditandatangani pada 8 Februari 1956 yang menyatakan persetujuan memberi kemerdekaan kepada Tanah Melayu. Sekembali ke Tanah Melayu, Tunku Abdul Rahman mengumumkan tarikh kemerdekaan di Melaka.
Pada tahun 1956, suatu Suruhanjaya Perlembagaan Komanwel ditubuhkan untuk menggubal perlembagaan. Suruhanjaya Perlembagaan Komanwel atau lebih dikenali sebagai Suruhanjaya Reid yang dipengerusi oleh Lord Reid dari Britian terdiri daripada pakar-pakar undang dari negara Komanwel. Laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh Suruhanjaya Reid dipinda oleh Jawatankuasa Kerja dan diluluskan oleh Majlis Undangan Persekutuan. Bendera Union Jack iaitu bendera British diturunkan di hadapan Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad, Kuala Lumpur pada tepat pukul 12 malam 31 Ogos 1957. Kemudian, Perdana Menteri Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Tunku Abdul Rahman mengisytiharkan kemerdekaan di Stadium Merdeka. Jemaah Menteri diumumkan juga pada hari pengisytiharan kemerdekaan.
Pengistiharan Kemerdekaan
Apabila tarikh Kemerdekaan telah ditentukan, Tunku telah mengarah Jabatan Kerja Raya untuk membina sebuah stadium terbuka yang akan dijadikan tempat pengistiharan Kemerdekaan. Tunku memilih sendiri lokasinya, di sebuah bukit yang rendah berdekatan Jalan Birch dan stadium itu dinamakan 'Stadium Merdeka'.
Stadium Merdeka 5.00 pagi, 31 Ogos 1957, hujan turun dengan lebatnya. Dato' Abdul Razak yang melawat Stadium pada pagi itu gelisah dengan takungan air di tengah-tengah padang di mana Askar Melayu akan mengadakan perbarisan kehormat. Dato' Razak adalah Timbalan Pengerusi, Jawatankuasa Persiapan Kemerdekaan dengan Tunku sendiri adalah Pengerusinya.
7.00 pagi, hujan mulai reda. Dato' Razak menalipon Tunku dan melaporkan keadaan di stadium. Beliau mencadangkan agar ketibaan Raja-raja Melayu, Duke serta isteri dan Pesuruhjaya Tinggi dilewatkan satu jam.
9.00 pagi, langit mulai cerah, rintik-rintik hujan semakin mengecil dan hilang dari pandangan. Perabut dan perhiasan mula dibawa keluar dengan kadar segera. Tunku telah bersiap sedia di rumahnya. Berbaju Melayu hitam, berkain samping, berselitkan keris bersarong gading dipinggang serta bertengkolok songket, Tunku menantikan saat untuk bertolak.
Di Stadium Merdeka, Tunku berdiri gagah menerima ketibaan Duke of Gloucester yang memakai pakaian istiadat ketenteraan British berpangkat Field Marshall. 'God Save The Queen' berkumandang ketika Duke of Gloucester yang merupakan pakcik Queen Elizabeth II masuk da mengambil tempat. Duke telah diiringi oleh Pesuruhjaya Tinggi British, Sir Donald MacGillivray.
Raja-raja Melayu pula duduk dipayungi oleh sembilan payung kuning, Yang DiPertuan Agong pula duduk di tengah-tengah, di kirinya Tunku dan di kanannya Duke.
Duke kemudiannya menyerah 'Instrumen Kemerdekaan' yang mana merupakan suatu pengakuan British bahawa ia menyerahkan kedaulatan Pulau Pinang dan Melaka kepada negara baru ini dan seterusnya menarik balik 'perlindungan' yang diberikan kepada negeri-negeri Melayu.
Tunku kemudiannya membacakan pengistiharan Kemerdekaan yang antara lainnya menyebut "Dengan nama Allah, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu untuk selamanya sebuah negara yang demokratik dan Merdeka".
Acapkali suaranya tenggelam dan pekikan Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! oleh rakyat sebuah negara baru yang lahir dari suatu perjuangan yang suci.
Seorang anak bangsa yang menyaksikan segalanya di depan mata, menghuraikan pengalamannya, Hujan renyai-renyai menghiasi pagi. Tanpa disedari linangan air mata membasahi pipi. Stadium Merdeka dibanjiri oleh anak-anak bangsa yang datang dari setiap pelusuk negeri. Masing-masing hadir dengan harapan yang tinggi. Menjadi saksi, satu peristiwa yang penuh bererti, yang tidak akan dilupai tersemat disanubari sampai mati.
Merdeka telah kita miliki 'Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
S4 Gelugor

S4 1977 Gelugor
Left to Right
1st row : jamal, marasad, abdullah, hasnah, arus, hamimah, rijani, rohani, fauziah, ruhizan, jamari, razak,
2nd row : abdullah, ..?..yusof, sanusi, azman, kamaruddin, nordin, ..?.. ..?.. rahman, roslan,
3rd row : ali, ..?.. tajul, razali
???? lupa nama member daa!! sori.
1st row : jamal, marasad, abdullah, hasnah, arus, hamimah, rijani, rohani, fauziah, ruhizan, jamari, razak,
2nd row : abdullah, ..?..yusof, sanusi, azman, kamaruddin, nordin, ..?.. ..?.. rahman, roslan,
3rd row : ali, ..?.. tajul, razali
???? lupa nama member daa!! sori.
HELP, kalau ada yang salah and fill in the blank.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Farewell Keetha
At last, its time to say farewell to Miss Keetha, a DELC officer seconded by the Education Ministry to perform her responsibility in the remotest district in Penang. She's been here in Jawi for one and a half years, standing in for Miss Dot Mckenzie, who decided to leave her job and take a more interesting offer in the Middle East, February last year.
Since then we came to know Keetha and day by day the experience which this lady brings along with her has given us a very useful insight of what ELT is really all about. The teachers in the district are more relaxe with her, and she made herself useful to them by visiting the schools and helping teachers whenever the need arises. Workshops are conducted more often. Teaching clinics are prompted and the teachers here find that these are more interesting than the usual teaching courses that they have attended.
Keetha has also shown us that our syllabus is too heavy for the mid-ability pupils to follow. Hence, she made the teachers understand that few is not too little, and many does mean you cannot handle it, and nor does your pupils.
I remember vividly how she gasp when she learned the number of new words that a child in year three learns in a week. "No,no,no too many..... , it's too much. They cannot... they just can't.... ." She has said these and I believed, yes they are too many, but we cannot stop here and bring down the the level because we are way out there in front competing with the little singaporean that has gone too far ahead of us.
So to Keetha, thanks for the contribution, sharing of ideas, experience and most of all the warmth that you so willingly spend and shared with us through these one and a half years. We cherished the fond thoughts and hope you never forget us wherever you are. And at the same time we wish you all the best in whatever and wherever you may be.
Monday, June 25, 2007
NUTP dakwa kenyataan Hon ‘membuta tuli’
Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan (NUTP) semalam membidas Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Hon Choon Kim yang didakwa mengeluarkan cadangan ‘membuta tuli’ membabitkan guru seolah-olah tidak menghormati sumbangan guru selama ini.
Presiden NUTP, Anuar Ibrahim, berkata kenyataan Hon yang mahu tempat makan guru tidak diasingkan dengan murid bagi membolehkan tiada perbezaan kualiti makanan disediakan pengusaha kantin, memperlihatkan beliau gagal melihat sumbangan dan pengorbanan guru kepada murid selama ini.“Kami rayu janganlah mana-mana timbalan menteri melontarkan cadangan yang kadang-kadang tidak menghormati maruah guru seperti dikeluarkan timbalan menteri berhubung soal mengatasi kes keracunan makanan di sekolah,” katanya ketika dihubungi semalam.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas cadangan Hon kelmarin yang menyebut adalah tidak praktikal sekiranya ruang makan pelajar diasingkan daripada guru kerana ia boleh menyebabkan penyediaan dua kualiti makanan berbeza mengikut kuasa beli.
“Saya tidak nampak rasional mengasingkan tempat makan di kantin, termasuk menyediakan bilik khas untuk guru. Bagi saya ia tidak praktikal kerana akan menyebabkan pengusaha kantin memberi khidmat dan kualiti makanan berbeza yang mengutamakan guru,” kata Hon.
Beliau berkata, cadang Hon itu boleh dilaksanakan jika menteri atau timbalan menteri sanggup tidak diasingkan ketika menikmati makanan dalam majlis atau keraian yang dianjurkan kerajaan mahu pun pihak lain.
“NUTP cadangkan supaya semua menteri dan timbalan menteri tidak lagi disediakan meja atau bilik khas untuk semua jamuan yang dianjurkan dan perlu beratur untuk mengambil makanan sendiri. Adakah Hon sanggup?“Kami tidak mengharapkan yang bukan-bukan, tetapi hormatilah sedikit maruah kami dengan tidak mencadangkan sesuatu secara membuta-tuli tanpa menghiraukan perasaan semua guru. Perkara ini mungkin kecil bagi sesetengah pihak, tetapi lama kelamaan jika dibiarkan ia mampu melunturkan semangat guru,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, cadangan sebegitu tidak akan timbul sama sekali jika Hon memahami konsep yang diterapkan kepada lebih 10,000 kantin sekolah di seluruh negara.
“Adalah tidak adil meletakkan tanggungjawab semua perkara kepada guru apabila terjadi sesuatu perkara seperti keracunan makanan. Takkan semua guru nak jadi ‘food tester’ kantin sekolah dan kalau tak mati baru nak umumkan makanan selamat dan suruh murid makan?
“Orang yang mencadangkan perkara sedemikian sebenarnya tidak faham apa yang berlaku di semua kantin sekolah seluruh negara. Kebanyakan guru makan apa yang dimakan murid kerana pihak kantin menyediakan makanan sama tetapi mungkin ada tambahan lauk sedikit.
“Guru juga berhak mendapat ruang makan berasingan untuk menjarakkan sedikit hubungan antara guru dan pelajar bagi mewujudkan perasaan hormat. Apa lagi memang ada guru yang gemar makan bersama murid mereka dan kebanyakan sekolah luar bandar juga tidak mempunyai ruang makan berasingan,” katanya.
Anuar berkata, Hon sebenarnya tidak menyedari kewujudan Jawatankuasa Kantin di semua sekolah seluruh negara yang dianggotai semua guru yang memantau penyediaan makanan kepada murid setiap hari.“Guru akan makan makanan yang disediakan setiap hari dan ia dicatat dalam laporan khusus, jadi tidak logik jika mengatakan makanan guru dan pelajar mereka berbeza,” katanya.
Presiden NUTP, Anuar Ibrahim, berkata kenyataan Hon yang mahu tempat makan guru tidak diasingkan dengan murid bagi membolehkan tiada perbezaan kualiti makanan disediakan pengusaha kantin, memperlihatkan beliau gagal melihat sumbangan dan pengorbanan guru kepada murid selama ini.“Kami rayu janganlah mana-mana timbalan menteri melontarkan cadangan yang kadang-kadang tidak menghormati maruah guru seperti dikeluarkan timbalan menteri berhubung soal mengatasi kes keracunan makanan di sekolah,” katanya ketika dihubungi semalam.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas cadangan Hon kelmarin yang menyebut adalah tidak praktikal sekiranya ruang makan pelajar diasingkan daripada guru kerana ia boleh menyebabkan penyediaan dua kualiti makanan berbeza mengikut kuasa beli.
“Saya tidak nampak rasional mengasingkan tempat makan di kantin, termasuk menyediakan bilik khas untuk guru. Bagi saya ia tidak praktikal kerana akan menyebabkan pengusaha kantin memberi khidmat dan kualiti makanan berbeza yang mengutamakan guru,” kata Hon.
Beliau berkata, cadang Hon itu boleh dilaksanakan jika menteri atau timbalan menteri sanggup tidak diasingkan ketika menikmati makanan dalam majlis atau keraian yang dianjurkan kerajaan mahu pun pihak lain.
“NUTP cadangkan supaya semua menteri dan timbalan menteri tidak lagi disediakan meja atau bilik khas untuk semua jamuan yang dianjurkan dan perlu beratur untuk mengambil makanan sendiri. Adakah Hon sanggup?“Kami tidak mengharapkan yang bukan-bukan, tetapi hormatilah sedikit maruah kami dengan tidak mencadangkan sesuatu secara membuta-tuli tanpa menghiraukan perasaan semua guru. Perkara ini mungkin kecil bagi sesetengah pihak, tetapi lama kelamaan jika dibiarkan ia mampu melunturkan semangat guru,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, cadangan sebegitu tidak akan timbul sama sekali jika Hon memahami konsep yang diterapkan kepada lebih 10,000 kantin sekolah di seluruh negara.
“Adalah tidak adil meletakkan tanggungjawab semua perkara kepada guru apabila terjadi sesuatu perkara seperti keracunan makanan. Takkan semua guru nak jadi ‘food tester’ kantin sekolah dan kalau tak mati baru nak umumkan makanan selamat dan suruh murid makan?
“Orang yang mencadangkan perkara sedemikian sebenarnya tidak faham apa yang berlaku di semua kantin sekolah seluruh negara. Kebanyakan guru makan apa yang dimakan murid kerana pihak kantin menyediakan makanan sama tetapi mungkin ada tambahan lauk sedikit.
“Guru juga berhak mendapat ruang makan berasingan untuk menjarakkan sedikit hubungan antara guru dan pelajar bagi mewujudkan perasaan hormat. Apa lagi memang ada guru yang gemar makan bersama murid mereka dan kebanyakan sekolah luar bandar juga tidak mempunyai ruang makan berasingan,” katanya.
Anuar berkata, Hon sebenarnya tidak menyedari kewujudan Jawatankuasa Kantin di semua sekolah seluruh negara yang dianggotai semua guru yang memantau penyediaan makanan kepada murid setiap hari.“Guru akan makan makanan yang disediakan setiap hari dan ia dicatat dalam laporan khusus, jadi tidak logik jika mengatakan makanan guru dan pelajar mereka berbeza,” katanya.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Teachers' Day in SPS
Tasek sudah tidak menjadi tasek
This undated combo image released by CONAF, Chile's National Forest Service, shows a 2-hectare lake at the Huemules National Park that mysteriously disappeared in the southernmost region of Magallanes, Chile. Park rangers on a routine monthly patrol discovered in late May, 2007, that the lake had dried up. A group of geologists is being sent to the area in the next few days to try to determine what happened to the lake . (AP Photo/CONAF)
Satu lagi gambaran kekuasaan Ilahi, tasek yang seingat manusia sentiasa wujud, tiba-tiba semua airnya sudah meresap ke tempat lain. Ke mana ya?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Hari ini mula pasang kaunter pada blog ini, saja nak test sebulan berapa hits yang ada di laman ini. Mana tahu ada peminat ke yang terlawat ke sini.
Anyway, it was fathers' day yesterday. Two of my good old friends send wishes to me. I don't know whether i've been a good one or not. I tried. Really I do. I pray to Allah that all my deeds were been blessed each passing minute of the day.
At the same time remembering my own dad, he seems so nice. Maybe because I was a good boy then. I learnt a lot from the beatings that my brothers got from him. Maybe that's why I didn't get the cane....... But all that doesn't matter when you really think of the wonderful days and nights that you are fond of remembering. The firm hold of the gentle hands that helps you cross the road, carry you around and not forgetting the kiss of a father, or when he ruffles your hair, just to tease you, or to tell you that he likes you ....
Oh God, you know better the feelings i had now... please Allah pardon him for whatever mistakes he has ever made, to anybody, or anyone, or anything, and most of all blessed him with the love that he has loved us, and give him the easy path to heaven.... Amien
Anyway, it was fathers' day yesterday. Two of my good old friends send wishes to me. I don't know whether i've been a good one or not. I tried. Really I do. I pray to Allah that all my deeds were been blessed each passing minute of the day.
At the same time remembering my own dad, he seems so nice. Maybe because I was a good boy then. I learnt a lot from the beatings that my brothers got from him. Maybe that's why I didn't get the cane....... But all that doesn't matter when you really think of the wonderful days and nights that you are fond of remembering. The firm hold of the gentle hands that helps you cross the road, carry you around and not forgetting the kiss of a father, or when he ruffles your hair, just to tease you, or to tell you that he likes you ....
Oh God, you know better the feelings i had now... please Allah pardon him for whatever mistakes he has ever made, to anybody, or anyone, or anything, and most of all blessed him with the love that he has loved us, and give him the easy path to heaven.... Amien
Rusty 1957 Plymouth Unearthed in Okla.

Cerita ini sepatutnya lebih menarik sekiranya air tidak masuk ke dalam bilik kebal yang dibina 50 thn dahulu. Jika perkara ini berlaku kemungkinan kereta itu boleh dihidupkan enjinnya dan mungkin dapat bergerak sebagaimana kenderaaan lain.
Tapi takdir menentukan bahawa segala yang bersifat baharu pasti kembali ke asalnya........
Baca berita yang menarik ini ....
Thousands Watch the Unearthing of a Rusty 1957 Plymouth Belvedere in Tulsa, Okla.
Covered with dirt and rust, a 1957 Plymouth Belvedere buried under the city's courthouse lawn fifty years ago, sits on the stage after it was unveiled in Tulsa, Okla., Friday, June 15, 2007. (AP Photo)
A concrete vault encasing a 1957 Plymouth Belvedere buried a half-century ago may have been built to withstand a nuclear attack but it couldn't beat back the natural onslaught of moisture.
At a Friday ceremony complete with a couple of drum rolls, crews removed a multilayered protective wrapping caked with red mud, revealing a vintage vehicle that was covered in rust and wouldn't crank.
Top US stories
There were a few bright spots, literally: shiny chrome was still visible around the doors and front fender, and workers were able to put air in the tires.
But the unveiling in front of thousands of people at the Tulsa Convention Center confirmed fears that the past 50 years had not been the kindest to Miss Belvedere.
"I'll tell you what, she's a mess. Look at her," said legendary hot rod builder Boyd Coddington, who was unable to start the thing up as planned.
Event organizer Sharon King Davis, a fourth generation Tulsan whose grandfather helped bury the Plymouth, joked that the car needed a little Oil of Olay to help it out.
In the trunk, workers meticulously pulled out some of the objects buried with the two-door hardtop to celebrate Oklahoma's 50 years of statehood a 5-gallon can of leaded gasoline, which went for 24 cents a gallon in those days, and rusted cans of Schlitz beer.
The contents of a "typical" woman's handbag, including 14 bobby pins, lipstick and a bottle of tranquilizers, were supposed to be in the glove box, but all that was found looked like a lump of rotted leather.
Workers also searched for a spool of microfilm that recorded the entries of a contest to determine who would win the car: the person who guessed the closest of what Tulsa's population would be in 2007 382,457 would win.
That person, or his or her heirs, will get the car within a week, along with a $100 savings account, worth about $1,200 today with interest.
The elements could not penetrate a time capsule buried with the car. Its top was sawed off and organizers unfolded an American flag still bright red, white and blue sending a rousing cheer through the crowd.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Rajini fans show who’s boss
Hai menariknya cerita ini,
Dahsyat juga bila difikir2kan. Tapi yang menarik tentang kisah ini adalah kehampir samaan nama ..... ha ha ha ha ha
BUTTERWORTH: About 300 fans of Tamil movie star Rajinikanth turned unruly when told that the screening of the much-awaited movie Sivaji The Boss starring their idol, at the Cathay Cineplex here was cancelled due to a “technical hitch.”
The fans, some of whom came as early as 10am yesterday to buy tickets for the 9pm and midnight shows, started shouting and banging the ticket counters when informed just before 9pm that the screening was off and refunds would be given out.
Many of the fans demanded that they still wanted to watch the movie following which the cineplex management decided to screen the show but after a three hour delay.
Cineplex manager S. Kuppusamy said the 9pm screening was delayed to midnight while the midnight show was delayed to 3am today. While some 70 fans took the refunds, the others stayed back to watch the shows. Police were called in to control the crowd when the fans turned unruly.

Upset: At Butterworth a section of the Tamil movie fans seeking explanation from a cineplex worker last night.

Keeping watch: A policeman observing the crowd of disappointed movie fans at the State Cinema in Petaling Jaya on Thursday night
satu lagi cerita yang sama
Pandemonium reigned at more than 10 theatres on Thursday night when the premiere of the much-anticipated Tamil movie Sivaji – The Boss was either delayed or cancelled.
The movie, starring South Indian superstar Rajinikanth and released simultaneously in India and Malaysia on Thursday, was supposed to start at 9pm but was delayed at some cinemas by about six hours and cancelled at others.
Disappointed fans turned violent, causing damage at a number of cinemas. Police had to be called in at various venues to stop the outbreak of violence.
In Penang, fans turned unruly at the delay and banged on ticket counters, some demanding a refund and others insisting that the movie be screened. Police were called in to control the situation and the movie was screened after a three-hour delay.
In Klang's Sri Intan theatre, fans who had waited more than five hours for the movie to start, wrecked the cinema lobby, breaking ticket counters and set fire to part of the theatre. The fire was immediately put out by workers.
In Rawang, fistfights broke out, and people threw bottles, breaking glass showcases, while in Ipoh, a cinema manager was beaten up by irate fans. He suffered head injuries which required stitches.
Police arrested several people but released them later.
Cinemagoer D. Karthik, who had bought five tickets (Oi, beli satu pun tengok gambaq sama jugalah), said he could not see the movie because it was delayed by five hours at the State Cinema in Petaling Jaya.
“I had already waited in line for five hours two days ago to get the tickets and I did not want to wait more than three hours to see the movie. I don't understand why they advertised opening times for the movie if they cannot start on time,” he said.
Moviegoers demanded refunds or compensation of about RM200 for each ticket they had bought at RM12.
At the Coliseum Cinema here, manager Sofie Baba said tickets counters were opened after 4pm, although people had started queuing from as early as noon. Those waiting turned violent when tickets to the 800-seat theatre were sold out within an hour.
When asked about allegations that the majority of the tickets had been sold to scalpers, he said an individual could buy a maximum of six tickets only, and that the management was not aware of any such activity.
S. Vel Paari, CEO of the movie's distributor Pyramid Saimira Theatre Chain, apologised for the delay and cancellation of the movie in some theatres.
“Rain and delay in getting the digital password from India for security reasons to beat piracy were the primary reasons for the delay and cancellations. Because of the rain, our delivery was affected and as a result, there was a delay in the screening of the movie,” he said.
He added that the Chennai-based movie producer, AVM, had supplied only 42 prints instead of the scheduled 53.
“The remaining 11 prints of the movie had to be downloaded through the Internet,” he said.
Dahsyat juga bila difikir2kan. Tapi yang menarik tentang kisah ini adalah kehampir samaan nama ..... ha ha ha ha ha
BUTTERWORTH: About 300 fans of Tamil movie star Rajinikanth turned unruly when told that the screening of the much-awaited movie Sivaji The Boss starring their idol, at the Cathay Cineplex here was cancelled due to a “technical hitch.”
The fans, some of whom came as early as 10am yesterday to buy tickets for the 9pm and midnight shows, started shouting and banging the ticket counters when informed just before 9pm that the screening was off and refunds would be given out.
Many of the fans demanded that they still wanted to watch the movie following which the cineplex management decided to screen the show but after a three hour delay.
Cineplex manager S. Kuppusamy said the 9pm screening was delayed to midnight while the midnight show was delayed to 3am today. While some 70 fans took the refunds, the others stayed back to watch the shows. Police were called in to control the crowd when the fans turned unruly.

Upset: At Butterworth a section of the Tamil movie fans seeking explanation from a cineplex worker last night.

Keeping watch: A policeman observing the crowd of disappointed movie fans at the State Cinema in Petaling Jaya on Thursday night
satu lagi cerita yang sama
Pandemonium reigned at more than 10 theatres on Thursday night when the premiere of the much-anticipated Tamil movie Sivaji – The Boss was either delayed or cancelled.
The movie, starring South Indian superstar Rajinikanth and released simultaneously in India and Malaysia on Thursday, was supposed to start at 9pm but was delayed at some cinemas by about six hours and cancelled at others.
Disappointed fans turned violent, causing damage at a number of cinemas. Police had to be called in at various venues to stop the outbreak of violence.
In Penang, fans turned unruly at the delay and banged on ticket counters, some demanding a refund and others insisting that the movie be screened. Police were called in to control the situation and the movie was screened after a three-hour delay.
In Klang's Sri Intan theatre, fans who had waited more than five hours for the movie to start, wrecked the cinema lobby, breaking ticket counters and set fire to part of the theatre. The fire was immediately put out by workers.
In Rawang, fistfights broke out, and people threw bottles, breaking glass showcases, while in Ipoh, a cinema manager was beaten up by irate fans. He suffered head injuries which required stitches.
Police arrested several people but released them later.
Cinemagoer D. Karthik, who had bought five tickets (Oi, beli satu pun tengok gambaq sama jugalah), said he could not see the movie because it was delayed by five hours at the State Cinema in Petaling Jaya.
“I had already waited in line for five hours two days ago to get the tickets and I did not want to wait more than three hours to see the movie. I don't understand why they advertised opening times for the movie if they cannot start on time,” he said.
Moviegoers demanded refunds or compensation of about RM200 for each ticket they had bought at RM12.
At the Coliseum Cinema here, manager Sofie Baba said tickets counters were opened after 4pm, although people had started queuing from as early as noon. Those waiting turned violent when tickets to the 800-seat theatre were sold out within an hour.
When asked about allegations that the majority of the tickets had been sold to scalpers, he said an individual could buy a maximum of six tickets only, and that the management was not aware of any such activity.
S. Vel Paari, CEO of the movie's distributor Pyramid Saimira Theatre Chain, apologised for the delay and cancellation of the movie in some theatres.
“Rain and delay in getting the digital password from India for security reasons to beat piracy were the primary reasons for the delay and cancellations. Because of the rain, our delivery was affected and as a result, there was a delay in the screening of the movie,” he said.
He added that the Chennai-based movie producer, AVM, had supplied only 42 prints instead of the scheduled 53.
“The remaining 11 prints of the movie had to be downloaded through the Internet,” he said.
Hanira now in Bukit Aman



Selepas lebih dari 3 tahun bersama dengan PPDS akhirnya wanita ini mendapat pekerjaan tetap di Bukit Aman. Satu majlis ringkas meraikan Hanira diadakah last Friday, just before Friday prayers. So berangkatlah beliau untuk bersama dengan husband yang kini kembali bertugas di Sg Buloh.
Kita doakan kesejahteraan beliau dan berharap tempat lama bertugas menjadi kenangan indah dalam hidupnya.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Brunei Pics

Anyway my trip to Labuan paid off. Although gambar di Labuan tidak ditunjukkan namun kenangannya lebih banyak dari kenangan dalam gambar ini. Apapun hepi pergi dan hepi balik. Berbaloi bersama rakan-rakan menghabis sehari suntuk di Bandar Seri Begawan. Memang cantik, dan teratur bandaraya ini serta mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri, but everything you paid double because of its ringgit exchange. The boating trip was also memorable because most of us slept thruough its journey to a certain port, nama pun dan lupa.
nak tengok gambar ya..........
bukti...... kan?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Woman unconscious after being hit by durian
Cerita macam ini pun ada lo.........
A 36-YEAR-OLD woman fell unconscious when a durian which fell on her blind husband bounced off his head and hit her in the head too, reported Sin Chew Daily.
Cheah Ah Khoon, 54, said he asked his wife Mubawali to lead him to the orchard in Bukit Mertajam, some 2km from their house, after durians were repeatedly stolen.
They were hiding behind some bushes to spy on thieves at 10pm on Friday when they heard the sound of rustling leaves from above.
“We realised too late that it was a durian crashing down,” Cheah told the daily.
He had small holes in his scalp caused by the durian spikes but Mubawali had to be warded at the Bukit Mertajam Hospital.
He managed to carry his wife on his back home before sending her to the hospital.
The daily checked with the hospital and learnt that she did not suffer any severe injury.
A 36-YEAR-OLD woman fell unconscious when a durian which fell on her blind husband bounced off his head and hit her in the head too, reported Sin Chew Daily.
Cheah Ah Khoon, 54, said he asked his wife Mubawali to lead him to the orchard in Bukit Mertajam, some 2km from their house, after durians were repeatedly stolen.
They were hiding behind some bushes to spy on thieves at 10pm on Friday when they heard the sound of rustling leaves from above.
“We realised too late that it was a durian crashing down,” Cheah told the daily.
He had small holes in his scalp caused by the durian spikes but Mubawali had to be warded at the Bukit Mertajam Hospital.
He managed to carry his wife on his back home before sending her to the hospital.
The daily checked with the hospital and learnt that she did not suffer any severe injury.
Crackdown on Xenon headlights
So at last there's something positive from JPJ concerning this problem. Problem of people who thinks they can do anything with their money.
Read this:
The Road Transport Department (JPJ) will act against vehicle owners who modify their headlamps with bright Xenon lights that are blinding to other motorists at night.
JPJ Director of Enforcement Salim Parlan said the Xenon lights could blind drivers of vehicles coming from the opposite direction or in front of them.
He said the JPJ had received several complaints from the public on these modified headlamps and would take immediate action against modification beyond the set standard under the Road Transport Act 1987.
“These Xenon lights are too bright and can obstruct the visibility of other road users at night.
“This poses a danger to the other road users,” he said during an integrated traffic operation here yesterday.
The Road Transport Act provides for a RM200 fine for modification to a vehicle without the approval of JPJ's technical authorities.
Salim said the JPJ was considering regulations to prohibit the use of Xenon lights on vehicles altogether.
Read this:
The Road Transport Department (JPJ) will act against vehicle owners who modify their headlamps with bright Xenon lights that are blinding to other motorists at night.
JPJ Director of Enforcement Salim Parlan said the Xenon lights could blind drivers of vehicles coming from the opposite direction or in front of them.
He said the JPJ had received several complaints from the public on these modified headlamps and would take immediate action against modification beyond the set standard under the Road Transport Act 1987.
“These Xenon lights are too bright and can obstruct the visibility of other road users at night.
“This poses a danger to the other road users,” he said during an integrated traffic operation here yesterday.
The Road Transport Act provides for a RM200 fine for modification to a vehicle without the approval of JPJ's technical authorities.
Salim said the JPJ was considering regulations to prohibit the use of Xenon lights on vehicles altogether.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
oroYesterday ada satu article dalam TheStar yang mempamerkan di muka depan tentang kerajaan negeri Trengganu memasang kamera litar untuk memantau pergerakan kakitangannya di Bangunan Persekutuan.
Agak sceptical juga bila terbaca benda yang macam ini. Kita baru saja dimotivate oleh PakLah dengan kenaikan gaji yang lumayan bertujuan meningkatkan kadar productivity negara. Sektor awam akan dijadikan satu sektor yang bertaraf tinggi dan seperti yang dilaung-laungkan bertaraf dunia. Kerajaan mahu agar sektor awam Malaysia mampu menjadi sektor awam yang terbilang di dunia. Selain daripada menyediakan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan yang terbaik, kerajaan amat berharap anggota sektor awam akan lebih menekankan aspek perkhidmatan yang mempunyai nilai tambah kepada perkhidmatan termasuk mengurangkan karenah birokrasi, sentiasa mesra, telus, responsif, kreatif dan sentiasa mementingkan pelanggan - itu harapan PM
Jika perkara sebegini berlaku adalah ditakuti kakitangan awam akan merasa tertekan dan tekanan yang tidak diundang ini akan terkena kepada semua peringkat perkhidmatan, sama ada sokongan atau profesional. Asalnya pemasangan cctv ini adalah untuk memantau keselamatan harta benda kerajaan, tapi jika niatnya berubah, maka kesan kepada tingkahlaku dan peradaban kakitangan ini mungkin begitu negative dan membawa implikasi yang tidak diingini.
Dalam masa yang sama, mungkin ramai yang masih teringat kes cctv di bangunan komtar. Apapun kemungkinan perkara sebegini berlaku dan memalukan orang awam serta kakitangan kerajaan sendiri tentulah bukan tujuan sebenar cctv ini dipasangkan.
Kita berharap kematangan membuat polisi tertentu diberi pertimbangan yang tinggi dan adil buat semua. Bukannya kerana segelintir maka susu sebelanga dirosakkan.
Aku pun pening nak tulis benda macam ni.
Sesudah itu, timbul pula kisah seorang landlord memasang kamera berkenaan di 3 buah bilik air rumah yang disewakan kepada 19 orang wanita muda.
Ini apa yang nak jadi tak tahulah. Siapa pasang tak penting, tapi pasang di bilik air???
Anyway, ramai yang dok tension fikir benda macamni dah ada di merata-rata tempat. Eg. di England dulu masa terrorist bom rail bawah tanah, gambar mereka yang terlibat dirakam oleh cctv yang terdapat di sepanjang jalan masuk ke laluan keretapi bawah tanah itu. Ada baiknya juga bila berada ditempat yang sepatutnya.
Di negara kita cctv dah mula rakam banyak kes-kes langgar traffic lights, pandu laju, lalu lintas dsbnya.
Orang luar negara dah lama dok rakam gambar negara kita dari satelite.
Tapi yang hebat kadang-kala kita terlupa, cctv yang tuhan pasang dikiri kanan kita.....
Ooop..... nakpi sembahyang dah Isya .........
Agak sceptical juga bila terbaca benda yang macam ini. Kita baru saja dimotivate oleh PakLah dengan kenaikan gaji yang lumayan bertujuan meningkatkan kadar productivity negara. Sektor awam akan dijadikan satu sektor yang bertaraf tinggi dan seperti yang dilaung-laungkan bertaraf dunia. Kerajaan mahu agar sektor awam Malaysia mampu menjadi sektor awam yang terbilang di dunia. Selain daripada menyediakan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan yang terbaik, kerajaan amat berharap anggota sektor awam akan lebih menekankan aspek perkhidmatan yang mempunyai nilai tambah kepada perkhidmatan termasuk mengurangkan karenah birokrasi, sentiasa mesra, telus, responsif, kreatif dan sentiasa mementingkan pelanggan - itu harapan PM
Jika perkara sebegini berlaku adalah ditakuti kakitangan awam akan merasa tertekan dan tekanan yang tidak diundang ini akan terkena kepada semua peringkat perkhidmatan, sama ada sokongan atau profesional. Asalnya pemasangan cctv ini adalah untuk memantau keselamatan harta benda kerajaan, tapi jika niatnya berubah, maka kesan kepada tingkahlaku dan peradaban kakitangan ini mungkin begitu negative dan membawa implikasi yang tidak diingini.
Dalam masa yang sama, mungkin ramai yang masih teringat kes cctv di bangunan komtar. Apapun kemungkinan perkara sebegini berlaku dan memalukan orang awam serta kakitangan kerajaan sendiri tentulah bukan tujuan sebenar cctv ini dipasangkan.
Kita berharap kematangan membuat polisi tertentu diberi pertimbangan yang tinggi dan adil buat semua. Bukannya kerana segelintir maka susu sebelanga dirosakkan.
Aku pun pening nak tulis benda macam ni.
Sesudah itu, timbul pula kisah seorang landlord memasang kamera berkenaan di 3 buah bilik air rumah yang disewakan kepada 19 orang wanita muda.
Ini apa yang nak jadi tak tahulah. Siapa pasang tak penting, tapi pasang di bilik air???
Anyway, ramai yang dok tension fikir benda macamni dah ada di merata-rata tempat. Eg. di England dulu masa terrorist bom rail bawah tanah, gambar mereka yang terlibat dirakam oleh cctv yang terdapat di sepanjang jalan masuk ke laluan keretapi bawah tanah itu. Ada baiknya juga bila berada ditempat yang sepatutnya.
Di negara kita cctv dah mula rakam banyak kes-kes langgar traffic lights, pandu laju, lalu lintas dsbnya.
Orang luar negara dah lama dok rakam gambar negara kita dari satelite.
Tapi yang hebat kadang-kala kita terlupa, cctv yang tuhan pasang dikiri kanan kita.....
Ooop..... nakpi sembahyang dah Isya .........
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Cerita Dongeng
Suatu hari di sebuah warung bawah pokok di Empayar Melaka, abad ke-14. Laksamana Tuah bersama kawan karibnya, Tun Bendahara berduduk di bawah pokok menikmati teh tarik Mamak dan kuih Nyonya.
Tun Bendahara: Tuah, sepanjang malam aku tak tidur terfikir pasal si-Jebat tu. Tak terlantas aku kau sanggup membunuh dia.
Laksamana Tuah: Aiya Tun, lu tak faham lah. Kita mia olang cakap, manyak pantang kacau olang lain mia bini. Itu Jebat sudah... um... bo tua bo suey! Sultan mia gundik pun belani usik. Bikin malu keluarga Hang mia nama.
Tun Bendahara: Itu yang tak masuk akal, Tuah. Jebat tu kan adik kau sendiri? Kan orang putih cakap selalu cakap, "Blood is thicker than water"?
Laksamana Tuah: Adik da aanchua? Lu ingat jadi wa mia adik apa pun boleh bikin kah. Sekalang, wa bukan kerja sama sebalang olang tau. Wa mia bos, Sultan lah. Itu apa... belut... tikar...autar... olang putih mia cakap. Kita cakap, "Biar mati adik, jangan usik gundik!"
Tun Bendahara tidak berbalas. Beliau teringin sangat menegur Tuah pasal Bahasa Melayu Tuah yang cukup menyakitkan telinga, tetapi takut. Setiap kali si-pahlawan ini dipukau semangat patriotisme, dia suka hunus menjulang keris saktinya.
Laksamana Tuah: Woi Tun, wa cakap tak betui ah? Wa sudah lama tinggal sinilah. Kalau wa talak tolong jaga sama ini tempat, lu talak tolong jaga sama ini tempat - habis lah ini tempat.
Tun Bendahara: Kau takut apa, Tuah? Kalau musnah binasa Tanah Melayu ini, engkau masih boleh balik China.
Laksmana Tuah: Bukan balik tak balik mia pasal. Saya sudah lama duduk ini Tanah Melayu sampai sekalang saya pun sudah jadi olang Melayu mah.
Tun Bendahara: Eh, apa kau cakap tu, Tuah. Habis? Kalau tempat ini tukar nama jadi Malaysia, macam mana pulak?
Laksmana Tuah: Wa mah jadi olang Malaysia lah. Senang saja. Hahahaha! Wa sumpah sama lu, Tun, ta' Melayu hilang di dunia.
Tun Bendahara menjeling mata. Beliau sudah tidak tertahan dengan salahgunaan bahasa si-Cina ini. Kawalan pengunaan Bahasa Melayu Tuah cukup menyayatkan hati Tun. Tatabahasa silap. Peribahasa tak betul. Penggunaan pepatah Melayu pun salah. Imbuhan tak kena.
Tun Bendahara: Tuah, kau nak mengaku diri kau Melayu, aku tak kisah. Tapi, tolonglah bang, gunalah Bahasa Melayu yang tepat. Boleh tak? Apa ni, "Ta' Melayu hilang di dunia"? Cakap betul-betul - Tak akan hilang Melayu dari dunia ini!
Laksmana Tuah: Habis? Kalau ini tempat tukar nama jadi Malaysia apa macam? Hahahah!
Tun Bendahara: Maka kita katalah, "Tak akan hilang Malaysia dari dunia ini"! Hahah!
Laksmana Tuah: Wah, lu manyak pandai lah Tun. Okey, okey. Saya belanja lu makan Mi Goreng India. Mali, mali. Esok saya bawak Tun pigi tengok satu cun mia Puteli, atas gunung sana... Hahahahah....
Maka dengan adegan itu, tamatlah cerita cerita kita hari ini. Dua orang kuat Melaka ketawa terbahak-bahak di bawah teduh pokok Akasia ditebing muara, menanti akan pengembaraan mereka yang seterusnya, iaitu ke puncak Gunung Ledang.
Tun Bendahara: Tuah, sepanjang malam aku tak tidur terfikir pasal si-Jebat tu. Tak terlantas aku kau sanggup membunuh dia.
Laksamana Tuah: Aiya Tun, lu tak faham lah. Kita mia olang cakap, manyak pantang kacau olang lain mia bini. Itu Jebat sudah... um... bo tua bo suey! Sultan mia gundik pun belani usik. Bikin malu keluarga Hang mia nama.
Tun Bendahara: Itu yang tak masuk akal, Tuah. Jebat tu kan adik kau sendiri? Kan orang putih cakap selalu cakap, "Blood is thicker than water"?
Laksamana Tuah: Adik da aanchua? Lu ingat jadi wa mia adik apa pun boleh bikin kah. Sekalang, wa bukan kerja sama sebalang olang tau. Wa mia bos, Sultan lah. Itu apa... belut... tikar...autar... olang putih mia cakap. Kita cakap, "Biar mati adik, jangan usik gundik!"
Tun Bendahara tidak berbalas. Beliau teringin sangat menegur Tuah pasal Bahasa Melayu Tuah yang cukup menyakitkan telinga, tetapi takut. Setiap kali si-pahlawan ini dipukau semangat patriotisme, dia suka hunus menjulang keris saktinya.
Laksamana Tuah: Woi Tun, wa cakap tak betui ah? Wa sudah lama tinggal sinilah. Kalau wa talak tolong jaga sama ini tempat, lu talak tolong jaga sama ini tempat - habis lah ini tempat.
Tun Bendahara: Kau takut apa, Tuah? Kalau musnah binasa Tanah Melayu ini, engkau masih boleh balik China.
Laksmana Tuah: Bukan balik tak balik mia pasal. Saya sudah lama duduk ini Tanah Melayu sampai sekalang saya pun sudah jadi olang Melayu mah.
Tun Bendahara: Eh, apa kau cakap tu, Tuah. Habis? Kalau tempat ini tukar nama jadi Malaysia, macam mana pulak?
Laksmana Tuah: Wa mah jadi olang Malaysia lah. Senang saja. Hahahaha! Wa sumpah sama lu, Tun, ta' Melayu hilang di dunia.
Tun Bendahara menjeling mata. Beliau sudah tidak tertahan dengan salahgunaan bahasa si-Cina ini. Kawalan pengunaan Bahasa Melayu Tuah cukup menyayatkan hati Tun. Tatabahasa silap. Peribahasa tak betul. Penggunaan pepatah Melayu pun salah. Imbuhan tak kena.
Tun Bendahara: Tuah, kau nak mengaku diri kau Melayu, aku tak kisah. Tapi, tolonglah bang, gunalah Bahasa Melayu yang tepat. Boleh tak? Apa ni, "Ta' Melayu hilang di dunia"? Cakap betul-betul - Tak akan hilang Melayu dari dunia ini!
Laksmana Tuah: Habis? Kalau ini tempat tukar nama jadi Malaysia apa macam? Hahahah!
Tun Bendahara: Maka kita katalah, "Tak akan hilang Malaysia dari dunia ini"! Hahah!
Laksmana Tuah: Wah, lu manyak pandai lah Tun. Okey, okey. Saya belanja lu makan Mi Goreng India. Mali, mali. Esok saya bawak Tun pigi tengok satu cun mia Puteli, atas gunung sana... Hahahahah....
Maka dengan adegan itu, tamatlah cerita cerita kita hari ini. Dua orang kuat Melaka ketawa terbahak-bahak di bawah teduh pokok Akasia ditebing muara, menanti akan pengembaraan mereka yang seterusnya, iaitu ke puncak Gunung Ledang.
The National Blunder of Malaysia
It's a shame when something that was meant to be good to the country by a certain few has been criticised by a lot more. This shows that it is not well accepted by most. Truly, somebody up there should listened more by being rationalistic. I wonder ....... why after 50 years of independence we still couldn't decide what is best. This writer has her part to let go ..... happy reading.
Have you ever wondered why the national language of Malaysia is called Bahasa Melayu and ALSO Bahasa Malaysia?
The forefathers of Malaysia has agreed among other things during formation of the nation, that the language of Malays, be the official language. The federal constitution guarantees this privileged status of Malay language or Bahasa Melayu in article 152.
But remember, this event took place during a transitional period from more than a century of British rule to a newly independent nation consisting of different races who are not really comfortable with each other.
One hundred years of using English primarily in schools and government offices to be replaced by Bahasa Melayu within ten years! A human factor that has to be considered is that not everyone has the ability to learn another language fast enough to suit government policy.
Unfortunately, politicians who were in the position to help out were doing the opposite. A bloody racial riot which started on May 13, 1969 prompted the Malaysian government to take remedial measures. One of the steps is to promote the official language as Bahasa Malaysia, literally the language of Malaysia, for a more universal appeal sanctioned by the National Language Act 1967.
Malaysians in general are not fussy about having two terms for their national language. So is their government. Says the Education Minister who eventually became deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak: "The government is not rigid about this. Although in the constitution the term Bahasa Melayu is used, in certain situations, the use of the term Bahasa Malaysia is allowed...We do not want to go into a debate on semantics. On the government's part, we are being pragmatic by accepting both. This is not an issue to be exaggerated."
However, there are still voices of dissent.
-The Education Ministry issued a circular to the media sanctioning only " Bahasa Malaysia". This led to a debate between the Ministry and Malay literary circles.
1999-Malaysia's literary agency Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ( DBP ) refused to publish a collection of short stories. The reason? The writers used the term " Bahasa Malaysia". DBP's stance is that Bahasa Malaysia is political and it acknowledges Bahasa Melayu. The strange part is, DBP has been publishing books using the term Bahasa Malaysia before this and continues to do so until as late as 2002.
-The newly appointed Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin said the term Bahasa Malaysia better reflects the mother tongue of Malaysians and not just of one ethnic group. " Bahasa Malaysia is for all, not just for Malays. Whoever resides in Malaysia, his mother tongue is Bahasa Malaysia...But there are certain parties that are seeking political gain by calling it Bahasa Melayu and using Malay sentiments. But the national language is Bahasa Malaysia. That was the wish of the Tunku ( Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia ) and the late Hussein Onn ( 3rd Prime Minister of Malaysia )," he said.
Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore do not have this kind of story to tell. In fact, expatriates prefer learning Bahasa Indonesia to Bahasa Melayu or hmm Bahasa Malaysia.
Sigh...there is a motto in Malaysia that says the language reflects the spirit of the nation. You see the impressive Petronas Twin Towers and world class F1 racetracks but the nation that brings about these things is still undecisive about the identity of its language. What image does this portray? It is better to let Malaysia answer.
Have you ever wondered why the national language of Malaysia is called Bahasa Melayu and ALSO Bahasa Malaysia?
The forefathers of Malaysia has agreed among other things during formation of the nation, that the language of Malays, be the official language. The federal constitution guarantees this privileged status of Malay language or Bahasa Melayu in article 152.
But remember, this event took place during a transitional period from more than a century of British rule to a newly independent nation consisting of different races who are not really comfortable with each other.
One hundred years of using English primarily in schools and government offices to be replaced by Bahasa Melayu within ten years! A human factor that has to be considered is that not everyone has the ability to learn another language fast enough to suit government policy.
Unfortunately, politicians who were in the position to help out were doing the opposite. A bloody racial riot which started on May 13, 1969 prompted the Malaysian government to take remedial measures. One of the steps is to promote the official language as Bahasa Malaysia, literally the language of Malaysia, for a more universal appeal sanctioned by the National Language Act 1967.
Malaysians in general are not fussy about having two terms for their national language. So is their government. Says the Education Minister who eventually became deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak: "The government is not rigid about this. Although in the constitution the term Bahasa Melayu is used, in certain situations, the use of the term Bahasa Malaysia is allowed...We do not want to go into a debate on semantics. On the government's part, we are being pragmatic by accepting both. This is not an issue to be exaggerated."
However, there are still voices of dissent.
-The Education Ministry issued a circular to the media sanctioning only " Bahasa Malaysia". This led to a debate between the Ministry and Malay literary circles.
1999-Malaysia's literary agency Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ( DBP ) refused to publish a collection of short stories. The reason? The writers used the term " Bahasa Malaysia". DBP's stance is that Bahasa Malaysia is political and it acknowledges Bahasa Melayu. The strange part is, DBP has been publishing books using the term Bahasa Malaysia before this and continues to do so until as late as 2002.
-The newly appointed Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin said the term Bahasa Malaysia better reflects the mother tongue of Malaysians and not just of one ethnic group. " Bahasa Malaysia is for all, not just for Malays. Whoever resides in Malaysia, his mother tongue is Bahasa Malaysia...But there are certain parties that are seeking political gain by calling it Bahasa Melayu and using Malay sentiments. But the national language is Bahasa Malaysia. That was the wish of the Tunku ( Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia ) and the late Hussein Onn ( 3rd Prime Minister of Malaysia )," he said.
Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore do not have this kind of story to tell. In fact, expatriates prefer learning Bahasa Indonesia to Bahasa Melayu or hmm Bahasa Malaysia.
Sigh...there is a motto in Malaysia that says the language reflects the spirit of the nation. You see the impressive Petronas Twin Towers and world class F1 racetracks but the nation that brings about these things is still undecisive about the identity of its language. What image does this portray? It is better to let Malaysia answer.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
DPM on Bahasa Malaysia
The Cabinet’s move to revert to the term Bahasa Malaysia to refer to the national language should not be turned into a polemic issue, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.
The Deputy Prime Minister said the Government came to the decision because it was of the opinion that the national language should be a language for all races.
"We don’t want this matter to become a major polemic," he told reporters after the opening ceremony of the World Tourism Conference themed “Tourism Success Stories and Shooting Stars” here on Monday.
“We all know that the national language means the Bahasa Melayu (Malay language) but we want the language to belong to all Malaysians regardless of race, ethnic groups and so on.
"So, by referring to the language as Bahasa Malaysia means that the language belongs to all of us.”
He was asked to respond to The Star’s banner report on the Cabinet’s decision.
It was reported that all ministries, public universities and local institutions of higher learning have been directed to inform their relevant departments and agencies to begin using the term Bahasa Malaysia in letters, notices and documents with immediate effect.
It is understood that the heads of the various ministries are also sending out these directives following the Cabinet order.
Najib said the move was also aimed at promoting unity, integration, togetherness and usage of the language among Malaysians.
Tunku Abdul Rahman introduced the term Bahasa Malaysia after the country’s independence to inculcate a Malaysian identity.
However, when Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim became the education minister in 1986, he dropped the term Bahasa Malaysia for Bahasa Melayu.
Tak habis-habis......
The Deputy Prime Minister said the Government came to the decision because it was of the opinion that the national language should be a language for all races.
"We don’t want this matter to become a major polemic," he told reporters after the opening ceremony of the World Tourism Conference themed “Tourism Success Stories and Shooting Stars” here on Monday.
“We all know that the national language means the Bahasa Melayu (Malay language) but we want the language to belong to all Malaysians regardless of race, ethnic groups and so on.
"So, by referring to the language as Bahasa Malaysia means that the language belongs to all of us.”
He was asked to respond to The Star’s banner report on the Cabinet’s decision.
It was reported that all ministries, public universities and local institutions of higher learning have been directed to inform their relevant departments and agencies to begin using the term Bahasa Malaysia in letters, notices and documents with immediate effect.
It is understood that the heads of the various ministries are also sending out these directives following the Cabinet order.
Najib said the move was also aimed at promoting unity, integration, togetherness and usage of the language among Malaysians.
Tunku Abdul Rahman introduced the term Bahasa Malaysia after the country’s independence to inculcate a Malaysian identity.
However, when Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim became the education minister in 1986, he dropped the term Bahasa Malaysia for Bahasa Melayu.
Tak habis-habis......
Monday, June 04, 2007
Back to Bahasa Malaysia
Back to Bahasa Malaysia
Bahasa Malaysia will again be the official term to be used to refer to the national language. In a unanimous decision last April, the Cabinet felt that reverting to the term Bahasa Malaysia would help inculcate a sense of belonging for all citizens irrespective of race, said Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin.
All ministries, public universities and local institutions of higher learning have been directed to inform their relevant departments and agencies to begin using the term Bahasa Malaysia in letters, notices and documents with immediate effect.
It is understood that the heads of the various ministries are sending out these directives following the Cabinet order.
“The Malay language belongs to Malaysians of all races and not just the Malays. The term Bahasa Malaysia would instil a sense of belonging,” Zainuddin told The Star yesterday.
He said the term Bahasa Malaysia was introduced by Tunku Abdul Rahman after the country's independence to inculcate a Malaysian identity.
“It was generally accepted and no one asked for a change until (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim became the education minister (in 1986).
“He dropped the term Bahasa Malaysia for Bahasa Melayu and it has remained that way. But now, we feel we should go back to the original term,” he said.
“RTM will use the term Bahasa Malaysia to refer to the Malay language from now. I have also instructed all private television and radio stations to comply.
“All newspapers, irrespective of language, will also have to refer to the language as Bahasa Malaysia,” he said.
By using the term Bahasa Malaysia, he said a psychological barrier would be removed, not just for Malays but also other races.
“The Malays, for example, must not see Bahasa Malaysia as a language used (solely) by themselves. If Malays truly want to promote the language regionally or globally, they should not be worried if others use it for religious reasons such as their books and sermons.
“Similarly, non-Malays would also not see the language as a Malay language but a language that belongs to them,” he said.
Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the move “is to show that the language does not belong to just one race.”
“This is for national unity,” he said.
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy said the decision was most timely “as we celebrate the country’s 50th national day”.
“The term Bahasa Malaysia is more appropriate as it will build a greater sense of nationalism for all Malaysians,” Chan, who is also MCA deputy-president, said.
Concurring, MCA secretary-general Datuk Ong Ka Chuan said the term Bahasa Malaysia was an original one was accepted by most Malaysians.
All ministries, public universities and local institutions of higher learning have been directed to inform their relevant departments and agencies to begin using the term Bahasa Malaysia in letters, notices and documents with immediate effect.
It is understood that the heads of the various ministries are sending out these directives following the Cabinet order.
“The Malay language belongs to Malaysians of all races and not just the Malays. The term Bahasa Malaysia would instil a sense of belonging,” Zainuddin told The Star yesterday.
He said the term Bahasa Malaysia was introduced by Tunku Abdul Rahman after the country's independence to inculcate a Malaysian identity.
“It was generally accepted and no one asked for a change until (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim became the education minister (in 1986).
“He dropped the term Bahasa Malaysia for Bahasa Melayu and it has remained that way. But now, we feel we should go back to the original term,” he said.
“RTM will use the term Bahasa Malaysia to refer to the Malay language from now. I have also instructed all private television and radio stations to comply.
“All newspapers, irrespective of language, will also have to refer to the language as Bahasa Malaysia,” he said.
By using the term Bahasa Malaysia, he said a psychological barrier would be removed, not just for Malays but also other races.
“The Malays, for example, must not see Bahasa Malaysia as a language used (solely) by themselves. If Malays truly want to promote the language regionally or globally, they should not be worried if others use it for religious reasons such as their books and sermons.
“Similarly, non-Malays would also not see the language as a Malay language but a language that belongs to them,” he said.
Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the move “is to show that the language does not belong to just one race.”
“This is for national unity,” he said.
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy said the decision was most timely “as we celebrate the country’s 50th national day”.
“The term Bahasa Malaysia is more appropriate as it will build a greater sense of nationalism for all Malaysians,” Chan, who is also MCA deputy-president, said.
Concurring, MCA secretary-general Datuk Ong Ka Chuan said the term Bahasa Malaysia was an original one was accepted by most Malaysians.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Fish Sambal (Sambal Ikan)

100g red snapper fillet, cubed and grilled
40g big onions, sliced
20g fresh red chillies, sliced
10g bird’s eye chillies, sliced finely
10g turmeric leaves, sliced finely
20ml lime juice
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, except the last three. Pound lightly in a mortar to flatten the fish. Drizzle over the lime juice and season to taste with salt and sugar.
No harm in trying, don't you think?

1- Wanita auratnya lebih susah dijaga berbanding lelaki.
2- Wanita perlu meminta izin dari suaminya apabila mahu keluar rumah
tetapi tidak sebaliknya.
3- Wanita saksinya kurang berbanding lelaki.
4- Wanita menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki.
5- Wanita perlu menghadapi kesusahan mengandung dan melahirkan anak.
6- Wanita wajib taat kpd suaminya tetapi suami tak perlu taat pd
7- Talak terletak di tgn suami dan bukan isteri.
8- Wanita kurang dlm beribadat kerana masalah haid dan nifas yg tak ada
pada lelaki.
Pernahkah kita lihat sebaliknya??
Benda yg mahal harganya akan dijaga dan dibelai serta disimpan di tempat yg tersorok dan selamat. Sudah pasti intan permata tidak akan dibiar bersepah- sepah bukan? Itulah bandingannya dgn seorg wanita. Wanita perlu taat kpd suami tetapi lelaki wajib taat kepada ibunya 3 kali lebih utama dari bapanya. Bukankah ibu adalah seorang wanita?
Wanita menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki tetapi harta itu menjadi milik peribadinya dan tidak perlu diserahkan kepada suaminya, manakala lelaki menerima pusaka perlu menggunakan hartanya utk menyara isteri dan anak anak. Wanita perlu bersusah payah mengandung dan melahirkan anak, tetapi setiap saat dia didoakan oleh segala haiwan, malaikat dan seluruh makhluk ALLAH di mukabumi ini, dan matinya jika kerana melahirkan adalah syahid kecil. Manakala dosanya diampun ALLAH (dosa kecil). Di akhirat kelak, seorang lelaki akan dipertanggungjawabkan terhadap 4 wanita ini: isterinya, ibunya, anak perempuannya dan saudara perempuannya.
2- Wanita perlu meminta izin dari suaminya apabila mahu keluar rumah
tetapi tidak sebaliknya.
3- Wanita saksinya kurang berbanding lelaki.
4- Wanita menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki.
5- Wanita perlu menghadapi kesusahan mengandung dan melahirkan anak.
6- Wanita wajib taat kpd suaminya tetapi suami tak perlu taat pd
7- Talak terletak di tgn suami dan bukan isteri.
8- Wanita kurang dlm beribadat kerana masalah haid dan nifas yg tak ada
pada lelaki.
Pernahkah kita lihat sebaliknya??
Benda yg mahal harganya akan dijaga dan dibelai serta disimpan di tempat yg tersorok dan selamat. Sudah pasti intan permata tidak akan dibiar bersepah- sepah bukan? Itulah bandingannya dgn seorg wanita. Wanita perlu taat kpd suami tetapi lelaki wajib taat kepada ibunya 3 kali lebih utama dari bapanya. Bukankah ibu adalah seorang wanita?
Wanita menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki tetapi harta itu menjadi milik peribadinya dan tidak perlu diserahkan kepada suaminya, manakala lelaki menerima pusaka perlu menggunakan hartanya utk menyara isteri dan anak anak. Wanita perlu bersusah payah mengandung dan melahirkan anak, tetapi setiap saat dia didoakan oleh segala haiwan, malaikat dan seluruh makhluk ALLAH di mukabumi ini, dan matinya jika kerana melahirkan adalah syahid kecil. Manakala dosanya diampun ALLAH (dosa kecil). Di akhirat kelak, seorang lelaki akan dipertanggungjawabkan terhadap 4 wanita ini: isterinya, ibunya, anak perempuannya dan saudara perempuannya.
Manakala seorang wanita pula, tanggungjawab terhadapnya ditanggung oleh 4 org lelaki ini: suaminya, ayahnya, anak lelakinya dan saudara lelakinya.
Seorang wanita boleh memasuki pintu Syurga melalui mana-mana pintu Syurga yg disukainya cukup dgn 4 syarat shj: Sembahyang 5 waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadhan, taat suaminya dan menjaga kehormatannya. (betulkan jika saya tersilap).
Seorg lelaki perlu pergi berjihad fisabilillah tetapi wanita jika taat akan suaminya serta menunaikan tanggungjawabnya kepada ALLAH akan turut menerima pahala seperti pahala org pergi berperang fisabilillah tanpa perlu mengangkat senjata.
MasyaALLAH... sayangnya ALLAH pada wanita... kan?
Salah satu rahasia yang diungkapkan dalam al-Qur'an adalah bahawa manusia tidak segera dibalas atas perbuatan buruk yang mereka lakukan, tetapi siksa tersebut ditangguhkan hingga waktu tertentu. Hal ini dikemukakan dalam ayat-ayat sebagai berikut:
“Dan kalau sekiranya Allah menyiksa manusia disebabkan usahanya, niscaya Dia tidak akan meninggalkan di atas permukaan bumi suatu makhluk yang melata pun akan tetapi Allah menangguhkan mereka, sampai waktu tertentu; maka apabila datang ajal mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Melihat hamba-hamba-Nya.” (Q.s. Fathir: 45).
“Dan Tuhanmulah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi mempunyai rahmat. Jika Dia mengazab mereka Kerana perbuatan mereka, tentu Dia akan menyegerakan azab bagi mereka. Tetapi bagi mereka ada waktu yang tertentu yang mereka sekali-kali tidak akan menemukan tempat berlindung daripadanya.” (Q.s. al-Kahfi: 58).
Bahawa ramai orang yang tidak segera dibalas atas perbuatan buruk mereka menyebabkan mereka beranggapan bahawa mereka tidak akan pernah diminta tanggung jawab atas perbuatan jahat mereka. Anggapan ini menyebabkan mereka tidak mahu bertaubat, merasa menyesal, dan memperbaiki kesalahan mereka. Di samping itu, hal tersebut semakin menambah keangkuhan mereka. Kerana terjauh dari hikmah, mereka tidak dapat melihat bahawa apa yang mereka lakukan itu akan menyebabkan datangnya azab, bahkan azab tersebut semakin berat di akhirat kelak. Dalam al-Qur'an, Allah menyatakan sebagai berikut:
“Dan janganlah sekali-kali orang-orang kafir menyangka bahawa pemberian tangguh Kami kepada mereka adalah lebih baik bagi mereka. Sesungguhnya Kami memberi tangguh kepada mereka hanyalah supaya bertambah-tambah dosa mereka, dan bagi mereka azab yang menghinakan.” (Q.s. Ali Imran: 178).
Inilah penangguhan yang diberikan Allah untuk menguji manusia. Namun, tentu saja ada waktu yang telah ditetapkan Allah sehingga setiap orang akan dibalas atas apa yang mereka perbuat. Ketika waktu yang ditetapkan ini tiba, maka waktu tersebut tidak dapat ditunda atau dipercepat, meskipun hanya sesaat. Allah memberi tahu kita bahawa setiap orang pasti akan memperoleh balasan:
“Dan sekiranya tidak ada suatu ketetapan dari Allah yang telah terdahulu atau tidak ada ajal yang telah ditentukan, pasti (azab itu) menimpa mereka.” (Q.s. Thaha: 129).
“Dan Aku tangguhkan mereka. Sesungguhnya rencana-Ku amat teguh.” (Q.s. al-A'raf: 183).
“Dan kalau sekiranya Allah menyiksa manusia disebabkan usahanya, niscaya Dia tidak akan meninggalkan di atas permukaan bumi suatu makhluk yang melata pun akan tetapi Allah menangguhkan mereka, sampai waktu tertentu; maka apabila datang ajal mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Melihat hamba-hamba-Nya.” (Q.s. Fathir: 45).
“Dan Tuhanmulah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi mempunyai rahmat. Jika Dia mengazab mereka Kerana perbuatan mereka, tentu Dia akan menyegerakan azab bagi mereka. Tetapi bagi mereka ada waktu yang tertentu yang mereka sekali-kali tidak akan menemukan tempat berlindung daripadanya.” (Q.s. al-Kahfi: 58).
Bahawa ramai orang yang tidak segera dibalas atas perbuatan buruk mereka menyebabkan mereka beranggapan bahawa mereka tidak akan pernah diminta tanggung jawab atas perbuatan jahat mereka. Anggapan ini menyebabkan mereka tidak mahu bertaubat, merasa menyesal, dan memperbaiki kesalahan mereka. Di samping itu, hal tersebut semakin menambah keangkuhan mereka. Kerana terjauh dari hikmah, mereka tidak dapat melihat bahawa apa yang mereka lakukan itu akan menyebabkan datangnya azab, bahkan azab tersebut semakin berat di akhirat kelak. Dalam al-Qur'an, Allah menyatakan sebagai berikut:
“Dan janganlah sekali-kali orang-orang kafir menyangka bahawa pemberian tangguh Kami kepada mereka adalah lebih baik bagi mereka. Sesungguhnya Kami memberi tangguh kepada mereka hanyalah supaya bertambah-tambah dosa mereka, dan bagi mereka azab yang menghinakan.” (Q.s. Ali Imran: 178).
Inilah penangguhan yang diberikan Allah untuk menguji manusia. Namun, tentu saja ada waktu yang telah ditetapkan Allah sehingga setiap orang akan dibalas atas apa yang mereka perbuat. Ketika waktu yang ditetapkan ini tiba, maka waktu tersebut tidak dapat ditunda atau dipercepat, meskipun hanya sesaat. Allah memberi tahu kita bahawa setiap orang pasti akan memperoleh balasan:
“Dan sekiranya tidak ada suatu ketetapan dari Allah yang telah terdahulu atau tidak ada ajal yang telah ditentukan, pasti (azab itu) menimpa mereka.” (Q.s. Thaha: 129).
“Dan Aku tangguhkan mereka. Sesungguhnya rencana-Ku amat teguh.” (Q.s. al-A'raf: 183).
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
No more UPSR and PMR
Since yesterday, many parents were talking about school without exams. The proposal was made by the Malaysian Examina-tions Syndicate (MES) to abolish the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and the Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR).
The proposed school-based assessment system to replace two major public examinations would increase the workload of teachers, state National Union of Teaching Profession chairman Lim Ming Tzong said.
“In this modern times, more and more parents are relying on teachers to not only educate their children but also to discipline them.
“This has made the teaching profession become unattractive and if this proposed system is to be implemented, teachers will be overburdened with the responsibility of planning, implementing and preparing the reports for the assessment,'' he said.
Some teacher were too frantic about it and start accusing the ministry of trying to overload teachers with another task, ie, to run school based assessment test in the place of UPSR and PMR.
Whatever it is, I don't agree that teachers will be burden with this, because all this while they have been doing it with all the monthly test, not forgetting the twice annually school exam which was never ever overlooked by any school.
With the implementation of school based assessment test or examination the teachers will surely be more responsible for their pupils achivement as the test and examinations which their pupils sit are being prepared by the teachers themselves.
The education ministry I assume must have something in their mind when the proposal was made. Even by now, the ministry has decided that the teachers in charge of examinations be given a computer, which is to be used to gather information and data of students achivement, to store students progress records and other necessary items in running the examinations successfully.
It wouldn't surprised me if extra hands are hired in schools by the ministry in years to come, to make sure that school based examinations or assessment test are conducted in a fairly orderly manner plus taking off the workload for teachers to fill in forms, to key in datas' of students achivement or to prepare students progress records and certificates.
So what has teachers to lose in this proposal? I don't tthink the NUPT chairman of Penang state really knows what he is talking about.
I fully support these opinion:
SJK(C) Kwong Hwa Parent-Teac-her Association (PTA) chairman Ong Thean Lye welcomed the proposal, saying “the present system is too exam-oriented”.
“Students these days just want to concentrate on the exam subjects while a subject like Moral Education, which is important in moulding a student’s personal character and development, is not given any attention,” he said.
Parent Audrey Cheong, 41, has always believed that a student does not need to have a string of As to be successful in life.
Cheong, who has a daughter in Year One, said she had even asked teachers in her daughter’s school not to put her in the first class.
“I want her to enjoy her school life as learning should be fun. If she is in the first class, she would be pressured to do well,” she said.
I think these are well headed people than the one above
The proposed school-based assessment system to replace two major public examinations would increase the workload of teachers, state National Union of Teaching Profession chairman Lim Ming Tzong said.
“In this modern times, more and more parents are relying on teachers to not only educate their children but also to discipline them.
“This has made the teaching profession become unattractive and if this proposed system is to be implemented, teachers will be overburdened with the responsibility of planning, implementing and preparing the reports for the assessment,'' he said.
Some teacher were too frantic about it and start accusing the ministry of trying to overload teachers with another task, ie, to run school based assessment test in the place of UPSR and PMR.
Whatever it is, I don't agree that teachers will be burden with this, because all this while they have been doing it with all the monthly test, not forgetting the twice annually school exam which was never ever overlooked by any school.
With the implementation of school based assessment test or examination the teachers will surely be more responsible for their pupils achivement as the test and examinations which their pupils sit are being prepared by the teachers themselves.
The education ministry I assume must have something in their mind when the proposal was made. Even by now, the ministry has decided that the teachers in charge of examinations be given a computer, which is to be used to gather information and data of students achivement, to store students progress records and other necessary items in running the examinations successfully.
It wouldn't surprised me if extra hands are hired in schools by the ministry in years to come, to make sure that school based examinations or assessment test are conducted in a fairly orderly manner plus taking off the workload for teachers to fill in forms, to key in datas' of students achivement or to prepare students progress records and certificates.
So what has teachers to lose in this proposal? I don't tthink the NUPT chairman of Penang state really knows what he is talking about.
I fully support these opinion:
SJK(C) Kwong Hwa Parent-Teac-her Association (PTA) chairman Ong Thean Lye welcomed the proposal, saying “the present system is too exam-oriented”.
“Students these days just want to concentrate on the exam subjects while a subject like Moral Education, which is important in moulding a student’s personal character and development, is not given any attention,” he said.
Parent Audrey Cheong, 41, has always believed that a student does not need to have a string of As to be successful in life.
Cheong, who has a daughter in Year One, said she had even asked teachers in her daughter’s school not to put her in the first class.
“I want her to enjoy her school life as learning should be fun. If she is in the first class, she would be pressured to do well,” she said.
I think these are well headed people than the one above
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